Richard Schwarzkopf

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Richard Schwarzkopf (born January 31, 1893 in Bonn , † May 31, 1963 in Düsseldorf ) was a German graphic artist , illustrator and wood cutter who worked in Düsseldorf and Altdorf near Nuremberg .

life and career

Richard Schwarzkopf studied with Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke at the Düsseldorf School of Applied Arts and from 1919 was a member of the artists' association Das Junge Rheinland , which was dissolved by the National Socialists.

In the 1920s, Richard Schwarzkopf was a sought-after illustrator in the German Expressionist Art Deco style. Among other things, he designed the cover of the monthly magazine of the Association of German Advertising Professionals " Die Reklame " (Issue 1, January 1927) as well as the cover of the same magazine in 1925 (trade fair issue April 1925). He designed numerous advertising materials for the city of Düsseldorf.

On the recommendation of the NSDAP , he became an extraordinary teacher for applied graphics at the Düsseldorf Art Academy in 1933 , and in 1937 he became leader of the Nazi lecturers' association at the academy. In 1938, Schwarzkopf, who was considered loyal to the line, became the successor of Otto Ackermann and chairman of the Malkasten artists' association . Erich von Perfall supported him as deputy . With the end of Nazi rule in 1945, he lost all offices. In 1956 he was re-elected chairman of the paint box.

Richard Schwarzkopf designed the coats of arms for the former districts of Moers (1930), Schleiden (1935) and Rhein-Wupper (1937), for the former cities of Rheinhausen (1934) and Krefeld-Uerdingen (1938), for the Menden (Rhineland) office (1934) and for the former municipality of Rheinkamp (1958). From 1936 he designed propaganda posters for the NSDAP and, among other things, the woodcut series "Deutsche Passion", which depicted the struggle of the SA in the form of a dance of death .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Habben, Hermann, coats of arms, seals and flags in the district of Moers, Rheinberg 1962