Richard Throll

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Richard Throll (born January 18, 1880 in Munich , † March 12, 1961 in Munich) was a painter and designer . His main focus was the design of interiors for which he also made furniture and works of art.


Throll studied from 1901 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with Rudolf von Seitz . In 1905 he designed a villa at Leonrodstrasse 4½ in Traunstein , which has been preserved in its original form to this day. From 1905 to 1911 he was a teacher at the Berchtesgadener Fachschule and then professor at the technical schools in Offenbach . In 1912 he designed the parish rooms of the Evangelical Church Community in Budenheim , which were restored to their former state in 2008. In 1919 he painted the Offenbach synagogue and also made the colored windows and the Torah shrine. For the graphic institute Wilhelm Gerstung in Offenbach he also designed wine labels.


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