Rittergüter in Teistungen

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The manors in Teistungen were several manors in Teistungen in the northern district of Eichsfeld in Thuringia .


In the early Middle Ages, the area around Teistungen belonged to the Mark Duderstadt , where the Quedlinburg monastery was wealthy, as well as the Counts of Reinstein and Blankenburg , the Counts of Lauterberg and Scharzfeld. These then enfeoffed local nobles with goods and towns. How the castle district Westernhagen as the southern part of the Mark and the later court Westernhagen came to the Kurmainzer archbishops from the 15th century is not exactly clear.

Members of a noble family von Teistungen were mentioned in the 13th and 14th centuries (1266 Heidenrich and 1356 Johann). It is not known whether it was a local aristocratic family or whether it was connected to the nearby Teistungenburg .

The noble family von Westernhagen , originally they called themselves just von Hagen, were not only settled in their ancestral castle Westernhagen Castle , but family members also settled early in the surrounding places, such as in Berlingerode and Teistungen. There was a high medieval manor house in the village, in 1283 the knight Conrad von Hagen bought his own property here. Nothing is known about the early fortifications; the two immediately neighboring manors Oberhof and Unterhof were built on the basis of two residential towers. The estate also included several mills in Teistungen and Ferna.

The former tenant house of the Unterhof



Adolf August Julius Carl von Westernhagen lived in Teistungen on the Unterhof from 1806 to 1890 and maintained a close friendship with Theodor Storm , who was his successor as district judge. In 1895 the old Unterhof was torn down and rebuilt as a castle-like mansion. The estate with around 196 hectares of land belonged to Oskar von Westernhagen in 1923. In 1945 the property was expropriated and after 1949 it was used as a machine rental station or machine-tractor station and repair shop for agricultural technology. In 1974 the manor house with the neighboring residential tower of the Oberhof was demolished and an administrative building for the community was built on the site. Today the Lindenberg / Eichsfeld administrative community is housed there. The leaseholder's house is the only remaining building in the Unterhof; the area with the former farm buildings is now a large open space.


The Oberhof in Teistungen

The original Oberhof was also demolished and replaced by a two-story brick building on a sandstone base from the Wilhelminian era with a tower-like extension. In 1923 the estate only had a land area of ​​21 hectares, which belonged to a born von Westernhagen. The still existing residential tower was demolished in 1974 with the neighboring Unterhof. After the German reunification, the Oberhof was bought back by the von Westernhagen family and extensively renovated. In 2017 a memorial plaque in memory of Theodor Storm was placed on Unterhof.

Good Teistungenburg

After the Teistungenburg monastery was dissolved at the beginning of the 19th century, a domain was created there. The estate changed hands more frequently in the period that followed. In 1923 the estate had an area of ​​375 hectares and belonged to a Mr. Kruse. In 1925 it was transferred to the domain administration of the Prussian state and was expropriated in 1945. The former monastery complex gradually fell into disrepair, in 1975 most of the manor's buildings were demolished due to their proximity to the inner-German border , only a historical archway and a barn remain. After 1990 a hotel and leisure complex was built there.

The Teistungenburg estate was the only estate in the area that did not belong to the Westernhagen family or any other noble family.


  • Volker Große, Gunter Römer: Lost cultural sites in Eichsfeld 1945 to 1989 A documentation . Eichsfeld Verlag, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 2006, pp. 181–189

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Wolf: Eichsfeldisches Urkundenbuch together with the treatise of the Eichsfeldischen nobility. Göttingen 1819 ( Treatise on the Eichsfeld nobility, as a contribution to their history. ) Page 19
  2. ^ Paul Grimm and Wolfgang Timpel: The prehistoric and early historical fortifications of the Worbis district. In: Eichsfelder Heimathefte special edition, Worbis 1966, p. 64
  3. Volker Große, Gunter Römer: Lost cultural sites in Eichsfeld 1945 to 1989 A documentation . Eichsfeld Verlag, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 2006, p. 181
  4. Thüringer Allgemeine: Lecture on Eichsfeld noble family von Westernhagen. dated April 12, 2013, accessed September 24, 2019