Rivière Bway

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Rivière Bway
River Bway, Riviere Battre Bois
location Saint Paul , Dominica
River system Layou River
Drain over Layou River  → Caribbean Sea
source On the southern slope of Mosquito Mountain
15 ° 28 ′ 42 ″  N , 61 ° 22 ′ 35 ″  W
Source height approx.  840  m
muzzle At Bway in the Layou River coordinates: 15 ° 25 ′ 52 "  N , 61 ° 21 ′ 47"  W 15 ° 25 ′ 52 "  N , 61 ° 21 ′ 47"  W
Mouth height 150  m
Height difference approx. 690 m

The Rivière Bway (also: River Bway ), in the upper reaches: Rivière Battre Bois ("River at the logging"), is a river in the west of Dominica in the Parish Saint Joseph .


The Rivière Bway rises with the source stream "Rivière Battre Bois" on the southern slope of Mosquito Mountain near Noel , near the sources of the Layou River (O), into which it later flows, and the sources of the Macoucheri River , whose catchment area adjoins to the west . It runs south through Fond Trouvé , Zacota and Fond Judique . At D LEau Jean it receives an inflow from the left and east through a spring stream ( ), after which the river takes the name "Rivière Bway". It flows into the Layou River from the north at Bway and on the right.

The Rivière Battre Bois has a length of 5.63 km.


  • Michal Kasprowski: Commonwealth of Dominica Street Map. (1: 40,000, customized printing).

Individual evidence

  1. geoview.info .
  2. geoview.info .