Robert Gibson

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Robert Edward Gibson (born May 12, 1928 in Felpham , Sussex , † December 23, 2008 ) was a British civil engineer ( geotechnical engineering ).

Gibson studied at Battersea Polytechnic and Imperial College London , where he made his bachelor's degree in engineering in 1947 and received his doctorate in 1950 from Alec Skempton . From 1953 he was at the Building Research Station, where he worked in the group of mathematician John McNamee on analytical problems of foundation engineering such as consolidation , groundwater flow and soil deformation. In 1956 he became a lecturer and later a reader at Imperial College and from 1965 he was at King's College London , where he received a full professorship in 1967. In 1966 he received a D. Sc. From 1983 to 1985 he was an Industrial Fellow at Wolfson College , Oxford.

Thanks to his mathematical skills, Gibson was able to tackle many problems with analytical methods in the early years of soil mechanics in the pre-computer era with practical applications such as dams, deep excavations, the consolidation of very soft soils, the interpretation of measurements of the water permeability of soils, the settlement behavior in soils whose stiffness increases linearly with depth or the stress-deformation behavior of clay in triaxial tests . In addition to his scientific career, he worked as a consulting engineer for Golder Associates (founded by Hugh Golder in Canada), for example on the construction of washed-up artificial islands in the sea.

In 1974 he gave the Rankine Lecture (The analytical method in soil mechanics) and received the John Booker Medal. In 1984 he became a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering . He was temporarily editor of Geotechnique .

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Individual evidence

  1. Gibson, Norbert R. Morgenstern A note on the stability of cuttings in normally consolidated clays , Geotechnique, Volume 12, 1962, p. 212
  2. ^ Gibson The progress of consolidation in a clay layer increasing in thickness with time , Géotechnique, Volume 8, 1958, pp. 171-182. Gibson, G. England, M. Hussey The theory of one dimensional consolidation of saturated clays , Geotechnique, Volume 17, 1967, pp. 261-273, Part 2: Gibson, R. Schiffman, KW Cargill Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 18, 1981 , P. 280
  3. Gibson floors . Before this, a constant stiffness factor was often assumed in simplified calculations. Gibson Some results concerning displacements and stresses in a non homogeneous elastic half space , Geotechnique, Volume 17, 1967, pp. 58-67, Corrections Volume 18, p. 275, Volume 19, p. 160, Gibson, Brown, Andrews Some results concerning displacements in a non homogeneous elastic layer , Z. f. Angew. Math. Phys., Volume 22, 1971, p. 855. Gibson, Rankine Lecture 1974
  4. ^ Daniel C. Drucker , Robert Gibson, David Henkel Soil mechanics and work hardening theories of plasticity , Transactions ASCE, Volume 122, 1957, pp. 338-346
  5. Geotechnique, Volume 24, 1974, pp. 115-140