Robert Kilburn Spaulding

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Robert Kilburn Spaulding (born January 11, 1898 in Lower Lake , California , † February 12, 1992 ) was an American Romanist and Hispanist .

life and work

Spaulding studied at the University of California, Berkeley and received his doctorate there in 1925 with the thesis History and syntax of the progressive constructions in Spanish (Berkeley 1926). He was then first assistant professor at the University of Michigan , but returned to Berkeley in 1927, where he became an associate professor in 1940 and a full professor of Spanish in 1949 .

Other works


  • Syntax of the Spanish Verb , New York 1931, Berkeley 1943, 3rd edition Liverpool 1958, 1967
  • (with Irving Albert Leonard ) Spanish in review , New York 1938; ud T. Spanish review grammar , New York 1945, 1967
  • How Spanish grew , Berkeley 1943, 1962, 1967, 1971
  • (with Marathon Montrose Ramsey [* 1867]) A textbook of modern Spanish, as now written and spoken in Castile and the Spanish American republics , 3rd edition, New York 1956, Fort Worth 1984 (known as “Ramsey-Spaulding”, first Edition by MM Ramsey 1894)

Editorial activity

  • (with Sylvanus Griswold Morley ) Vital Aza, Tres piezas cómicas , Boston / New York 1929
  • (with Irving Albert Leonard ) Jacinto Benavente, Los malhechores del bien , New York 1933, 1961
  • Lope de Vega, La batalla del honor , Madrid 1934

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