Robert Mühlbach (architect, 1848)

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Robert Julius Mühlbach (born July 3, 1848 in Hamburg ; † August 20, 1892 in Hanover ) was a German architect .


Robert Julius Mühlbach completed an apprenticeship as a bricklayer at KA Breckelbaum in Hamburg from 1864 to 1867 and then studied architecture at the Polytechnic School in Hanover from 1867 to 1870 under the matriculation number 4642 as a student of Conrad Wilhelm Hase . From 1870 to 1872 Mühlbach initially worked at Heinrich Campe in Braunschweig , then from 1872 to 1874 at Christoph Hehl's architectural office in Hanover. From 1874 until the end of his life, Mühlbach worked as an independent architect in Hanover.

Mühlbach was a leading member of the Hanoverian "building trade association", the later guild association, as well as a member of the building trade association.

Works (if known)

  • In Hannover:
    • around 1880/1890: Double tenement Kokenstrasse 10-11 , preserved
    • around 1890: Residential building Andertensche Wiese 1 (at the location of the later new building at Brühlstrasse 11 ); not received
    • 1891: House on Brandestrasse 9 for his brother Carl Daniel Mühlbach ; receive
    • 1892–1893: Own house at Grazer Straße 12 (the former Centralstraße 46 ), completed only after the architect's death; receive

Archival material

Archival materials can be found in the Hannover City Archives in the register hbs, a, Robert Mühlbach and in the city's housekeeping books archived there



  1. Deviating from this, Friedrich Lindau, citing Günther Kokkelink and Monika Kokkeling (see there), mentions Mühlsbach's independent activity in Hanover since 1870

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Lindau : Robert Julius Mühlbach , in ders .: Hanover. Reconstruction and Destruction ... , pp. 220, 241, 332; Preview over google books
  2. a b c d e f g h Reinhard Glaß: Mühlbach, Robert Julius in the register Architects and Artists with direct reference to Conrad Wilhelm Hase (1818–1902) on the page , last accessed on January 10, 2016