Robert Nichol (politician, 1890)

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Robert Nichol (* 1890 in Garnethill , Glasgow ; † April 16, 1925 ) was a Scottish politician.


Nichol was born in 1890 to the engineer James M. Nichol . He attended Shawlands Academy and the University of Glasgow . Nichol was a teacher and a member of the Glasgow Scottish Socialist Teachers' Society . As early as the beginning of the 1920s, Nichols was reported to have a lung disease. He died in 1925.

Political career

For the first time Nichol appeared in the general election of 1922 to elections at the national level. He ran for the Labor Party for the constituency of East Renfrewshire . He thus succeeded Robert Spence , who had no chance against the liberal Joseph Johnstone in the previous general election in 1918 . After Johnstone's massive loss of vote, Nichols prevailed against him and the unionist candidate Lobnitz and subsequently moved into the British House of Commons for the first time . In the following general election in 1923 Nichol was able to expand his share of the vote slightly and held his mandate. In the general election in 1924 , however, he left the House of Commons. He was defeated by the conservative Alexander Munro MacRobert . A total of 117 Nichols contributions are recorded in parliament.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Robert Nichol in Hansard (English)
  2. a b C.R. Dod, RP Dod: Dod's Parliamentary Companion 1923 , p. 345.
  3. ^ The Labor Who's Who 1924 , Labor publishing, 1924, p. 123.
  4. ^ The Labor Party: Report of the 25th Annual Conference , 1925, p. 76.
  5. ^ The Constitutional Yearbook 1929, p. 270.
  6. ^ The Constitutional Yearbook 1932, p. 244.
  7. ^ The Liberal Yearbook 1932, p. 266.

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