Robert Redeker

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Robert Redeker (born May 27, 1954 in Lescure , Ariège department , France ) is a French philosopher of German descent. He is a member of the editorial board of the literary and political magazine Les Temps Modernes, founded by Jean-Paul Sartre .


Redeker had a German father who was a farm worker from Steinbergen near Hanover and who had done military service in the German Africa Corps . According to Redeker, he “spat on Hitler”. Then he was interned in southwest France and met his wife there - a Lower Saxon woman from Hildesheim, who had turned her back on her country.

Redeker is a lecturer at the École de l'aviation in Toulouse and a teacher at the Lycée Pierre-Paul-Riquet in Saint-Orens-de-Gameville near Toulouse and a presenter in a local Jewish community station called Radio Kol-Aviv. He publishes regularly in newspapers and magazines such as Le Monde , Le Figaro , Marianne and Liberation . Some of his works have been translated into English, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese.

Death threats after the publication of an article critical of Islam

On September 19, 2006, Redeker published the Islam-critical article Face aux intimidations islamistes, que doit faire le monde libre? In the daily Le Figaro . (German: What should the free world do in view of the Islamist intimidation attempts? ), a contribution to the debate about the Pope's quote from Regensburg . Thanks to a comment by Yusuf al-Qaradawi on al-Jazeera television , the article found its way into the Islamic world. In Egypt and Tunisia , distribution of the daily newspaper was stopped the following day, and after this publication the author was threatened with death several times by Islamists. As a result, his teaching positions were terminated; he was forced to sell his house in order to live under police protection in various secret locations in the south of France. On October 3, 2006, a number of well-known French intellectuals published an appel en faveur de Robert Redeker in the daily newspaper Le Monde , including Elisabeth Badinter , Alain Finkielkraut , André Glucksmann , Claude Lanzmann (including the editors of Les Temps Modernes ) and Bernard-Henri Lévy .

In the summer of 2007, Redeker wrote about his new life in Gazette magazine :

“The oppression that weighs on me is a new kind of oppression, against which the state has little control. A suppression of the third millennium that doesn't even have a name. An invisible deprivation of liberty: I don't see my jailers or my possible murderers. But I know they exist, and they effectively prevent me from living like my fellow human beings, like before the article in Figaro . "

Works (selection)

  • Aux armes, citoyens! Édition Bérénice, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-911232-22-4 .
  • Dépression et philosophy. You mal du siècle au mal de ce siècle . Éditions Pleins Feux, Nantes 2007, ISBN 978-2-84729-064-6 .
  • Nouvelles figures de l'homme. Inhumain, deshumain, neghumain . Éditions Le Bord de l'Eau, Latresne / Gironde 2004, ISBN 2-911803-97-3 .
  • Le Progres or L'opium de l'histoire . Éditions Pleins Feux, Nantes 2004, ISBN 2-8472-9037-0 .
  • Le sport versus the peuples . Berg International, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-911289-41-2 .
  • Le sport est-il inhumain? Éditions du Panama, Paris 2008, ISBN 978-2-7557-0118-0 .


  • Patrick Gaubert: Combattre l'obscurantisme avec Robert Redeker . Jacob-Duvernet, Paris 2007, ISBN 978-2-84724-154-9 .


  1. a b c d Living with the Fatwa in: Spiegel online , July 29, 2007
  2. Report: The French Salman Rushdie in:, February 1, 2008

Web links