Robert Schraudolph

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Robert Schraudolph (born August 1, 1887 in Sonthofen ; † March 18, 1978 there ) was a German painter.

“From Hinnang” by Robert Schraudolph, April 4, 1951
The house where Schraudolph was born

Schraudolph studied from 1911 to 1920 at the Munich Art Academy under Professors Hackl and Marr , interrupted by his participation in the war from 1915 to 1918. In 1922 he was accepted into the Munich artists' cooperative. Since 1918 he was represented annually in the exhibition of the Munich artists in the Glaspalast , in the fire of which he lost many oil paintings in 1931. He then exhibited his works in the Neue Pinakothek , the Maximilianeum and the Haus der Kunst in Munich , as well as in the Salzburger Künstlerhaus , where he was awarded the silver medal of the city ​​of Salzburg . After the destruction of his studio and apartment in Munich by bombs in World War II , Schraudolph returned to his home town of Sonthofen in 1943.

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