Rodolfo Moleiro

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Rodolfo Moleiro (born September 4, 1898 in Zaraza / Guárico , † March 4, 1970 in Caracas ) was a Venezuelan poet.

The brother of the composer Moisés Moleiro studied political science at the Universidad Central de Venezuela after attending the Colegio San Gabriel in his native city and the Liceo San José of Los Teques . During his student days he wrote for newspapers and magazines such as El Universal , El Nuevo Diario , Renovación , Actualidades , Revista de Aguilar and Cultura Venezolana . Alongside Andrés Eloy Blanco , Jacinto Fombona , Fernando Paz Castillo , Enrique Planchart , Pedro Sotillo and Luis Barrios Cruz , he was one of the representatives of the group Generación poética de 1918 .

After graduating, he returned to Guárico. Here he became legal advisor to the Ministry of Labor in 1936 and was elected senator in 1937. In 1942 he went to San Francisco as consul of Venezuela in the USA.

In 1951, the Asociación de Escritores de Venezuela published a collection of his poems under the title Reiteraciones del bosque . For the Nuevos Poemas Moleiro received the Premio Municipal de Poesía in 1956 . Three more volumes of poetry appeared in the 1960s.


  • Reiteraciones del bosque , 1951
  • Poemas , 1953
  • Nuevos Poemas , 1955
  • Poesía , 1961
  • Últimos Poemas , 1964
  • Tenso en la sombra , 1968