Rolf Arland

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Rolf Arland (born March 4, 1922 in Munich ; † February 10, 2015 in Gilching ; actually Hans Heinz Mühlbauer ) was a German composer who occasionally appeared under the pseudonym Lothar Birk .

He studied piano and worked for the Munich city administration after the Second World War. The pianist worked part-time as a musician and began writing his own compositions in the early 1960s.

After initial success with popular titles, he discovered the then rock musician Roy Black at a concert in Augsburg , whom he made a hit star with the hits You are not alone and all in white . With Die Maschen der Mädchen he also helped Chris Roberts to break through in 1968 . The clarinetist and composer Henry Arland is his son, the entertainer Maxi Arland and Hansi Arland , lead singer of the band Sunrise Tribe , composer, arranger and sound engineer, are his grandchildren.

Title (selection)

Label of the single Ganz in Weiß by Roy Black, 1966
  • 1962: The big number is made (singer: Ralf Bendix )
  • 1963: The treasure in Silbersee (singer: medium trio )
  • 1965: You are not alone (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1966: All in white (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1967: Goodnight My Love (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1968: You are there (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1968: I think of you (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1968: The Mashes of Girls (Singer: Chris Roberts)
  • 1968: The girl Carina (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1969: My most beautiful dream (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1970: You can't be paid in gold (singer: Chris Roberts)
  • 1970: I dreamed, happiness came to me today (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1972: I believe in you (singer: Roy Black)
  • 1973: I don't want to lose you (singer: Roy Black)

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