Rolf Badenhausen (entrepreneur)

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Rolf Badenhausen 2006

Rolf Badenhausen (* 1955 in Dorsten ) is a German entrepreneur , electronics developer and author.

Career and professional activities

After graduating from the old-language urban high school in Bottrop, Badenhausen studied electrical engineering from 1974 to 1979 at the Ruhr University in Bochum . As a freelancer in the family company specializing in the manufacture of optoelectronic and medical technology special products, he worked for its development department and patent applications. For what was then the first stage of emissions testing , which was initially only prescribed as " ASU " for all gasoline engines from April 1, 1985 , he developed electronic diagnostic systems that meet the now stricter requirements for more precise recording of engine-specific parameters and the CO emission limit value were. Before the introduction of the second stage of the AU (1993) , which, in addition to diesel and gasoline engines with catalytic converters was introduced, published Badenhausen in the Heinz Heise published journal Elrad what was previously only widely available for automotive repair shops Oscillogram -diagnosis for recognition Internal combustion engine error sources also for a technically interested private audience.

In addition, Badenhausen is co-author of the “ laboratory sheets ” published by this magazine to electronics developers and has written numerous articles for the electronics magazines elektor and Funkschau .

Rolf Badenhausen is a partner in the Dorsten specialist trade and service company Badenhausen GbR .

Private focus

Taking up Heinz Ritter-Schaumburg's thesis on the chronological reliability of the Thidrek saga, which is controversial in research, Badenhausen deals with the question of historicity and has published a series of network articles and two monographs on this.


Trade journals (selection)

  • Rolf Badenhausen: engine speed and dwell angle measurement. In: Funkschau 3/1982 (pp. 87–88)
  • Rolf Badenhausen: Polarizer control systems for single and multiple participant systems. In: Elektor Satellit 2 special issue Plus 17, 1992 (pp. 24–29)
  • Rolf Badenhausen: SMD soldering station. In: Elrad , issues 7/8/1989 (p. 32–36) and 9/1989 (p. 79–80)


  • Rolf Badenhausen: The Nibelungs. Poetry and truth. Monsenstein and Vannerdat, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-86582-044-1
  • Rolf Badenhausen: legend and reality. Dietrich von Bern and the Nibelungs. Monsenstein and Vannerdat, Münster 2007, ISBN 978-3-86582-589-6

Online publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See e.g. B. German patent DE8532615
  2. Rolf Badenhausen: "AutoCheck": Professional engine diagnostic measuring device. In: Elrad , issues 5/90 (p. 34–41), 6/90 (p. 54–62), 7/90 (p. 56–65), 8/90 (p. 50–55)
  3. Rolf Badenhausen: "Auto Screen": evaluation of oscillograms and measurement results in engine diagnostics. In: Elrad, issues 9/90 (p. 60–66) and 10/90 (p. 92–96)
  4. Reviews:
    Florian Kragl (Ed.): Nibelungenlied and Nibelungensage: Annotated Bibliography 1945–2010. De Gruyter Academy Research, Berlin 2012. Page 622: The Nibelungs ... ; Page 662: legend and reality ...