Rolf Diener

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Rolf Diener (born March 29, 1906 in Gößnitz / Thuringia , † September 12, 1988 in Hamburg ) was a German painter, draftsman and graphic artist.

Live and act

Diener lived in Hamburg since 1910. He attended the State Art School Hamburg from 1927 to 1931 , where he was trained by Arthur Illies (1870–1952). During the Third Reich, Rolf Diener was employed as a toolmaker. He began to work artistically again in 1945 and studied from 1948 to 1951 with Arnold Fiedler (1900–1985) at the “ Baukreis ” in Hamburg. Rolf Diener's work was shaped by his exploration of key trends in classical modernism and his turn to abstract painting. In 1957 a solo exhibition of his works took place in the Hamburger Kunsthalle .

Works (selection)

  • Wall design of the Berlin Gate (1960)
  • Design of the wall ceramics in the Frohmestrasse 42 school, Hamburg (1962)


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