Rolf Leis

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Rolf Leis (born July 22, 1931 in Essen ) is a German mathematician who deals with partial differential equations in mathematical physics .

Leis studied mathematics and physics at the University of Bonn from 1952 to 1955 and was then assistant to Claus Müller at RWTH Aachen University , where he received his doctorate in 1957 ( The boundary value problems of the Helmholtz oscillation equation ). In 1958/59 he was a post-doctoral student at New York University . In 1961 he completed his habilitation in Aachen, where he was a lecturer and, from 1965, a full professor of mathematics at the University of Bonn. There he was director at the Institute for Applied Mathematics and head of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics. From 1971 to 1973 he was dean of the mathematics and natural sciences faculty and rector of the university in 1976/77. In 1996 he retired.

For example, Leis dealt with mathematical problems in physics, in particular with equations of the theory of elasticity , the Schrödinger equation , scattering problems and diffraction problems .

In 1981 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and was visiting professor there in the 1980s. In 1962 he gave a lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Stockholm ( A transfer of Schwarz's alternating method to boundary value problems of Helmholtz's oscillation equation ).


  • Lectures on partial differential equations of the 2nd order , BI university pocket books 1967
  • Initial boundary value problems in mathematical physics , Teubner, Wiley 1986; Dover 2013.
  • Editor with Stefan Hildebrandt Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations , Lecturenotes in Mathematics, Volume 1357, Springer Verlag 1988
  • On the development of applied analysis and mathematical physics in the last hundred years , in Fischer, Hirzebruch u. a. (Editor) A Century of Mathematics 1890-1990 , Vieweg 1990

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathematics Genealogy Project