Roman Nose

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Vóhko'xénéhe , Woqini or Woquini (" hump nose, eagle nose "), better known as Roman Nose , (* around 1823 in Colorado territory ; † September 17, 1868 ) belonged to the Notameohmésêhese ("Northern Eaters", often simply Ȯhmésėhese / Omisis - "Eaters") of the Northern Cheyenne , which was also the most powerful and largest group in the entire Cheyenne Nation (Tsêhéstáno) . He was a warrior famous among Indian enemies and allies as well as among the Americans and a member of the warrior or military society Hémo'eoxeso ( Elk Warriors Society or Elk Horn Scrapers ), which was mostly known to the Americans as Crooked Lance Soldiers .


Roman Nose vehemently opposed the Kansas Pacific Railway railroad company. On October 29, 1865 he fought at Platte Bridge ( Wyoming ) against a US escort under Lieutenant Caspar Collins. The entire escort was killed. In 1866 he protested in the presence of General Palmer at a council meeting near Fort Ellsworth in what is now Kansas against the immigration of whites into the Indian territory. On September 17, 1868 there was a fight between Major George A. Forsyth and his troops on the later so-called Beecher Island in the Arickaree River, Yuma County (Colorado), with the Northern and Southern Cheyenne under Pawnee Killer , Tall Bull , White Horse and Roman Nose. Nose and a lieutenant named Frederik H. Beecher were killed.

Because of his leading role in the defensive battles of the allied Cheyenne , Arapaho and Lakota Sioux on the Great Plains , he was mistakenly regarded by the Americans as chief ; When the contract was negotiated, the Americans were amazed that he did not take part. When they asked why Roman Nose was absent, the chiefs present replied to the surprised Americans that Roman Nose did not have the position and authority within the Cheyenne Nation to negotiate for it - and that he was by no means a chief.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ William Young Chalfant: Cheyennes at Dark Water Creek: The Last Fight of the Red River War , University of Oklahoma Press, 1997, ISBN 978-0806128757 , 6

This article is based on the article Roman Nose ( Memento from July 1, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) from the free encyclopedia Indianer Wiki ( Memento from March 18, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) and is under Creative Commons by-sa 3.0 . A list of the authors was available in the Indian Wiki ( Memento from July 1, 2007 in the Internet Archive ).