Red-winged ground cuckoo

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Red-winged ground cuckoo
Red-winged ground cuckoo (Neomorphus rufipennis)

Red-winged ground cuckoo ( Neomorphus rufipennis )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Cuckoo birds (Cuculiformes)
Family : Cuckoos (Cuculidae)
Subfamily : Ground Cuckoo (Neomorphinae)
Genre : Neomorphus
Type : Red-winged ground cuckoo
Scientific name
Neomorphus rufipennis
( GR Gray , 1849)

The red-winged ground cuckoo ( Neomorphus rufipennis ) is a species of the Neotropic cuckoo .


The red-winged ground cuckoo is a large species of cuckoo that grows to around 43–48 cm. There is no such thing as gender dimorphism . The head, the hood as well as the neck and chest area of ​​the red-winged ground cuckoo are colored dark purple to black. The back area shimmers from dark purple to olive green, the wings from blue-black to chestnut brown. The lower chest as well as the stomach area are colored light to dark gray with black feather tips, so that the area appears scaly. The inner control springs shine purple, the outer green-black. The reddish-pink featherless eye ring is striking.

distribution and habitat

The red-winged cuckoo is found in Venezuela , western Guyana and northern Brazil . He inhabits rainforests there : low-lying, seasonally flooded Várzea forests and higher-lying Terra Firme forests . The population size is unknown and red-winged ground cuckoos are rarely sighted. Nevertheless, due to the range of distribution, the IUCN does not assume any threat to the species.

Way of life

The red-winged ground cuckoo lives in pairs, but is mostly only observed solitary. The bird moves mainly on the ground, long flights are avoided. The diet consists mainly of various arthropods such as crickets and arachnids that are collected from the ground. The red-winged ground cuckoo often follows umbilical pigs and wandering ants and eats the prey that is startled by the other animals. Monkey groups such as B. Tamarins tracked to eat fallen fruit. The red-winged ground cuckoo is probably not a breeding parasite . Due to the way of life on the ground in dense rainforests, little is known about the cuckoo, it needs further research.


  • Johannes Erritzøe , Clive F. Mann, Frederik Brammer, Richard A. Fuller: Cuckoos of the World (Helm Identification Guides) . Christopher Helm Publishers Ltd, London 2012, ISBN 978-071-366-034-0 .
  • Robert B. Payne: The Cuckoos (Bird Families of the World No. 15). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, ISBN 0-19-850213-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Erritzoe et al. P. 135
  2. neomorphus rufipennis in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2013. Posted by: BirdLife International, 2012. Retrieved on September 6, 2013.

Web links

Commons : Rotschwingen-Grundkuckuck ( Neomorphus rufipennis )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files