Ruderalfield St. John's wort owl

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Ruderalfield St. John's wort owl
Chloantha hyperici.jpg

Ruderally St. John's wort owl ( Chloantha hyperici )

Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Superfamily : Noctuoidea
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Xyleninae
Genre : Chloantha
Type : Ruderalfield St. John's wort owl
Scientific name
Chloantha hyperici
( Denis & Schiffermüller , 1775)

The Ruderalflur St. John's wort owl ( Chloantha hyperici ), also called white-gray St. John's wort owl or St. John's wort owl, is a butterfly ( moth ) from the owl butterfly family (Noctuidae).



The moths reach a wingspan of 30 to 34 millimeters. On the forewings, dark gray, brown-gray or white-gray tints are predominant. Kidney and ring flaws stand out in light gray and are usually filled with brown. The wavy line is very jagged. A whitish field above the long, black root ray is characteristic. There are black vertical lines in the border area. On the whitish-gray hind wings the dark veins stand out clearly.

Egg, caterpillar pupa

The egg has a hemispherical shape and a pearly white color. It is provided with wide, irregular longitudinal ribs, of which only about a third reach the micropyl zone. Adult caterpillars are maroon in color and show oval, dark spots on the back. The wide side stripe is colored whitish and bordered black at the top. The red-brown doll has two thorns and several short bristles on the cremaster .

Similar species

Due to the very distinctive drawing mistakes are virtually eliminated with European species, but in has Alborz Mountains occurring Chloantha elbursia a great similarity to hyperici .


  • Actinotia hyperici

Geographical distribution and habitat

The spread of the nominate form ssp. hyperici extends through the southern part of Central Europe, almost all of southern Europe and further to the Middle East and Asia Minor, Israel, Iraq, the Persian Gulf and the Caucasus. In a geographically isolated area of ​​northern Denmark, southern Sweden, southern Norway and southwestern Finland, the ssp. svendseni before. In the Southern Alps, the nominate form can still be found up to an altitude of around 1700 meters. The animals are mainly to be found on warm slopes as well as on stony wasteland and ruderal areas.

Way of life

The moths fly in two generations in the north in June or August and in three generations in the south in April / May, July / August and September / October. They visit artificial light sources occasionally , but more often they visit the bait . They have also been observed sucking on the flowers of the Canadian goldenrod ( Solidago canadensis ). St. John's wort ( Hypericum perforatum ) is primarily used as a forage plant for the caterpillars . The species overwinters as a pupa.


In Germany the Ruderalflur St. John's wort owl occurs in very different numbers, but is listed as not endangered on the Red List of Endangered Species . According to Ebert, the species is currently in an expansion phase.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Michael Fibiger: noctuinae I . In: WG Tremewan (Ed.): Noctuidae Europaeae . 1st edition. tape 1 . Entomological Press, Sorø 1990, ISBN 87-89430-01-8 (English).
  2. ^ A b Walter Forster , Theodor A. Wohlfahrt : The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 4: Owls. (Noctuidae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-440-03752-5 .
  3. a b c d Günter Ebert (Ed.): The butterflies of Baden-Württemberg . 1st edition. tape 6 . Moth IV. Noctuidae 2nd part. Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 1997, ISBN 3-8001-3482-9 .
  4. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Ed.): Red List of Endangered Animals in Germany . Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster 1998, ISBN 3-89624-110-9 .


  • Michael Fibiger: noctuinae I . In: WG Tremewan (Ed.): Noctuidae Europaeae . 1st edition. tape 1 . Entomological Press, Sorø 1990, ISBN 87-89430-01-8 (English).
  • Günter Ebert (Ed.): The butterflies of Baden-Württemberg . 1st edition. tape 6 . Moth IV. Noctuidae 2nd part. Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 1997, ISBN 3-8001-3482-9 .

Web links

Commons : Ruderalflur-Johanniskrauteule  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files