Rudy Jackson

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Rudolph "Rudy" Jackson (* 1901 in Fort Wayne , Indiana ; † around 1968 in Chicago ) was an American clarinetist and tenor saxophonist of traditional jazz and swing .

Life and work

Rudy Jackson grew up as the child of two musicians in Chicago. From the age of 17 he played in local bands, from 1920 with Carroll Dickerson , 1923/24 with King Oliver . He then had engagements in traveling revues and went to New York in 1925 with Billy Butler's band. There he also played in the orchestra of the "All black" musical comedy Lucky Sambo (with interruptions until 1927). In 1926/27 he was employed by Duke Ellington . From 1929 to 1933 he worked temporarily in Noble Sissles Orchestra, with which he also toured Europe, then with Leon Abbey and Teddy Weatherford in India. Jackson stayed there most of the time during World War II, after which he returned to Chicago, where he retired from the music business and worked for the Western Union Telegraph Company .

Jackson was involved in recordings with Ellington and Sissle orchestras, as well as with Sidney Bechet and with Sippie Wallace .


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  1. Opposite Ellington Jackson had the blues, from which the piece " Creole Love Call " was worked out together, as his own composition. After the "Creole Love Call" was published and King Oliver asserted legal claims, but could not enforce them, Ellington fired Rudy Jackson for this incident and brought Barney Bigard into the orchestra to replace him . See AH Lawrence: Duke Ellington and His World . Page 112