Cuba Libre

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Cuba Libre

Cuba Libre ( Spanish for "Free Cuba") is a long drink with rum and cola that was created in Cuba around 1900 .


The name is said to have originated when, after the end of the Spanish-American War, American soldiers toasted the liberation of Cuba from Spanish colonial rule with a combination of Coca-Cola , rum and lime juice ( Viva Cuba libre , in German: “Long live that free Cuba ”).

The drink gained popularity in Europe after the end of World War II when the Andrews Sisters' earwig Rum and Coca-Cola was played on the radio. After the Cuban Revolution and the flight of many Cuban opponents of Fidel Castro to Florida , the combination became explosive again due to its name, which aroused political associations. In reference to the former and current system of government under Fidel Castro and Raúl Castro since the Cuban Revolution , the drink is also called Mentirita (Spanish for "little lie"), especially by Cubans in exile .


As with almost every cocktail, there are also many different and recognized variants of the Cuba Libre (type of rum, brand of cola, with and without lime juice). It is also difficult to distinguish it from the long drink Rum-Cola. Classically, Coca-Cola and a white Cuban rum are used. The IBA's official recipe is:

  • 5 cl white rum,
  • 12 cl cola,
  • 1 cl fresh lime juice.

Another version of this long drink is the so-called Cubata , which is mixed with brown instead of white rum.

Regional variations

In Venezuela in particular, there is a regional version called Cuba libre preparado , with a dash of gin and a dash of Angostura bitters .


  • Hannes Bertschi, Marcus Reckewitz : From absinthe to zabaione - how food and drinks got their name and other curious stories. Fischer-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 978-3596155897 .

Web links

Commons : Cuba libre  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cuba libre - International Bartenders Association. In: IBA homepage. Retrieved May 24, 2018 .