Ruth Dirx

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Ruth Dirx (born October 25, 1913 in Siegen ; † 1994 ) was a German author who was best known for her books on educational and psychological topics.

Live and act

Ruth Dirx attended school in Langenberg and Duisburg and then studied social pedagogy . Then she worked as a kindergarten teacher and was the director of a kindergarten.

In 1942 she married Willi Dirx , with whom she went on study trips to France, England, Spain, Portugal, Eastern Europe and the USA from 1951.


Ruth Dirx wrote over 30 books and was co-author or editor of around ten books. Several of her books have been translated into French, Dutch, Slovenian, Spanish and Italian.

  • The parent book. Education between authority and partnership . Henn, Ratingen 1962.
  • The child, the unknown being. History, sociology, pedagogy . von Schröder, Hamburg 1964.
  • Jugglers, children, bright minds. The game then and now. Torchbearers, Hanover 1968
  • Children need good parents. The book for mothers and fathers . Econ, Düsseldorf 1970, ISBN 3-430-12100-0 .
  • Children need good schools . Econ, Düsseldorf 1971, ISBN 3-430-12101-9 .
  • Children need friends . Econ, Düsseldorf 1973, ISBN 3-430-12103-5 .
  • One day when school was abolished . Beltz and Gelberg, Weinheim, Basel 1975, ISBN 3-407-80601-9 .
  • We are there. Seniors get active . Klens, Düsseldorf 1980, ISBN 3-87309-045-7 .
  • They thought Utopia. christian and social designs yesterday and today . Burckhardthaus, Gelnhausen 1982, ISBN 3-7664-2031-3 .
  • Languedoc, Roussillon . Graphium-Press, Wuppertal 1991, ISBN 3-927283-06-1 .


  • Old nursery rhymes . Pictures by Willi Dirx. New German School Publishing Society, Essen 1958.
  • Nursery rhymes . Graphics and pictures by Liselotte Schwarz. Gutenberg Book Guild, Frankfurt am Main 1963.
  • What do you do when you love someone? Youth Service, Wuppertal 1967.
  • From Friedrich Engels to Heinrich Böll. Disrespectful voices from the Wuppertal . With drawings by Friedrich Engels. Hammer, Wuppertal 1968.
  • Celebrate Christmas. Stories, songs, poems, games, handicrafts, cooking and baking. Mohn, Gütersloh 1976, ISBN 3-579-03582-7 .
  • Leisure time - family time. Stories, games, poems . Butzon and Bercker, Kevelaer 1989, ISBN 3-7666-9621-1 .

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