Ruth Erika Brand

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Ruth Erika Brand (* October 25, 1928 in Dessau as Ruth Erika Hartung ; † August 13, 2014 in Essen ) was a German politician ( SPD ) and qualified pedagogue .


She was the eldest daughter of Johannes and Louise Hartung. After graduating from high school, she worked as a foreign correspondent and clerk in Bremen (Bremen Cotton Exchange), Brussels and Washington, DC, among others. After returning to Germany, she married. Their two sons Achim and Christian were born. She founded a homework help in Bergisch Gladbach-Bensberg and completed her studies in Cologne with the degree "Diplom-Pädagogin". She then worked at the Federal Association of Workers' Welfare in Bonn as a consultant for family policy and was head of the “International” department. Among other things, she worked in the National Poverty Conference and the European Network Against Poverty and Exclusion, temporarily as chairwoman. She had lectureships at the Universities of Marburg and Cologne . She retired at 67.


Ruth Brand was a member of the district council in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district for 25 years . Most recently she fulfilled functions within the SPD, of which she had been a member since 1968.

She was the deputy federal chairwoman of the AG SPD 60plus and an advisory member of the NRW state board of the AG SPD 60plus.

She was elected honorary spokesperson for the German NGO Forum (organization of around 40 non-governmental organizations). She was a member of the German delegation for the preparation and implementation of the UN follow-up conference.

From 2006 she was on the board of the Federal Working Group of Senior Citizens' Organizations (BAGSO), most recently as second deputy chairwoman. She worked in the BAGSO commission “Current issues in senior policy”. From 2010, she and a colleague headed the BAGSO commission “Current Issues in Senior Policy”.

From 2009 she was the representative of BAGSO in the Council of the European Platform for Older People (AGE) in Brussels. She worked in the working group “Social Policy”.

Her focus was on generation politics, the European Union and international issues of demographic change .

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