Ruth von Ostau

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Ruth von Ostau is the artist's name or birth name of the German writer Ruth von Brandenstein, b. von Ostau (born March  3, 1899 in Ringelsdorf , † October 31, 1966 in Berlin ).


Ruth von Ostau was born on the Ringelsdorf manor (near Genthin ) as the daughter of Rittmeister Heinrich von Ostau and his wife Anna, née. von Dewitz , born. She was the older sister of Joachim von Ostau (1902–1969), who worked, among other things, as a playwright.

After her parents divorced (1905), she grew up in the Rhineland. On December 10, 1920, she married Lothar von Brandenstein (1893–1953), who after his military career lived as a landowner in Ober-Röhrsdorf, Lower Silesia (today: Osowa Sień in Poland). In 1930 Ruth von Brandenstein made her debut under her maiden name with the volume of poetry "Gedichte des Herzens". By Jan Koetsier (1911-2006) these poems were set to music 1934th

Ruth and Lothar von Brandenstein had four daughters, including the writer Leonie Ossowski (1925–2019) and the actress Yvonne Merin (1921–2012). The family ran an "upper class home".

As eyewitnesses report, Ruth von Brandenstein was "strictly hostile to National Socialism from the outset because of her humanistic, political-liberal sentiments". Through Erwin Planck (1893–1945), her husband's boyfriend, Ruth von Brandenstein had close contacts with General Kurt von Schleicher's (1882–1934), Carl Goerdeler (1884–1945) and Kreisau district . After fleeing from Silesia, Ruth von Brandenstein first lived in Mittelbiberach (Upper Swabia) from 1946 to 1955 , then in Cologne and Berlin.


In addition to two volumes of poetry, Ruth von Ostau has mainly published historical stories. Her war experiences are also reflected in her texts written after 1945, in which she and others a. reflected on the “great burden of guilt” and expressed the wish that “future reconciliation can arise from suffering and renunciation”. From a regional point of view (“literature on the Oder”), interest in Ruth von Ostau's work has been awakened again since 1989, especially from the Polish side.

  • Faces of the Heart (Poems, Weimar 1930)
  • Woman's Dance of Death (story, Breslau 1934)
  • Tomorrow I have to leave here (story, Bielefeld 1938)
  • Summer of Temptation (story, Bielefeld 1939)
  • Adgive among the people (Romanfragment, Bielefeld 1942)
  • Sonnet of the Young / Sonnet of the Old (Berlin 1946)
  • Fräuleinsgang (novellas, Constance 1948)
  • Refugee poems (poems, Konstanz 1948)
  • In three days (novella, Konstanz 1949)
  • The big detour (story, Frankenberg-Eder 1950)
  • The stallion rider (story, Detmold 1950)
  • The house at the turnaround (story, Gütersloh 1951)
  • Fraustadt and the Fraustädter Ländchen (reproduced manuscript of a radio lecture, 1952)
  • Bride show in autumn (story, Stuttgart 1953)
  • The Silberpage (story, Stuttgart 1954)
  • Sola gratia (story, Stuttgart 1954)
  • Autumn at the Federsee (story, Rothenburg odT 1955)
  • Attic story (story, Gütersloh 1957)
  • The Advent Singers (Stories, Wuppertal-Barmen 1966)


  • Koetsier, Jan: Gesichte des Herzens (Ruth von Ostau) , op. 7, for mixed choir and piano (1934/1984).


  • Eugeniusz Dzięcielewski: Wschowa i Ziemia Wschowska w literaturze, Wschowa 2006.
  • Rudolf Fey : A dead man returns. Berlin 1989, pp. 14ff., 196ff.
  • Genealogical manual of the nobility. Noble houses A, Vol. XV, Limburg 1979, pp. 54–68.
  • Kürschner's German literary calendar to the year 1932. Berlin / Leipzig 1932, p. 154. [s. Issues 1932–1973]
  • Astrid von Pufendorf: The Plancks. A family between patriotism and resistance, Berlin 2006.
  • Aleksander Wilecki: The Fraustädter Pest 1709/10 as literary material in the works of Samuel Friedrich Lauterbach and Ruth von Ostaus. Wroclaw 1997.
  • Aleksander Wilecki: Ruth von Ostau - zapomniana pisarka z Osowej Sieni ; elita, Wschowa 2000, No. 4, pp. 27-29.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Interview with Leonie Ossowski about her parents (April 30, 2005)
  2. ^ Rudolf Fey : A dead person returns, military publisher of the GDR. Pp. 15, 17. ISBN 3-327-00820-5
  3. ^ Astrid von Pufendorf: The Plancks. A family between patriotism and resistance, Berlin 2006, p. 172ff .; ISBN 3-549-07277-5
  4. Sonnet of the Ancients (1946)
  5. ^ Refugee poems , p. 5 [foreword]