Secular Institute of the Scalabrini Missionaries

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The Secular Institute of the Scalabrini Missionaries ( Missionarie Secolari Scalabriniane , MSS ) is an international institute of consecrated life . Within the Scalabrini family, consisting of the Scalabrini Missionaries ( Congregatio Scalabriniana, CS ) and the Scalabrini Missionaries ( Suore Missionarie di San Carlo Borromeo - Scalabriniane, MSCS ), the community, recognized as a secular institute , forms the third order . The institute was founded in 1961 and is headquartered in Solothurn , Switzerland . The members are based on the works of the founder of the Scalabrini missionaries, Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini (1839–1905).


Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini

The Italian Catholic Mission had its headquarters in Solothurn in the early months of 1961. She looked after the large number of Italian guest workers in Switzerland. The management of the mission was incumbent on the Scalabrini missionaries, who were involved in pastoral care abroad for all pastoral , social and labor law issues. Adelia Firetti, a young teacher from the diocese of Piacenza , came to the Catholic Mission in July 1961 and was supposed to take over the construction of a school . The project failed due to administrative regulations and Firetti was supposed to return to Italy. She stayed in Solothurn of her own accord and took over organizational work in the spirit of a municipal clerk . With this approach and commitment, a missionary community developed. The Scalabrini missionaries and the officials of the local churches supported the work and on July 25, 1961, Adelia Firetti founded the future secular institute of the Scalabrini missionaries in Solothurn, Switzerland. From this point on they devoted themselves to the care of Italian migrants and wanted to perform their service in the middle of the world. In 1990 they were recognized as a secular institute and the number of missionaries grew to 50 members.

Life form

The members live in the following of Jesus Christ , they live a secular lifestyle . They shape their lives in the middle of the world and follow the evangelical counsels in poverty, celibacy and obedience . The women choose a consecrated life .


There are branches in Switzerland, Italy , Brazil and Mexico . In Germany there are international centers in the Archdiocese of Cologne , the Diocese of Limburg , the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising and the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart . Meetings and training events take place in the international centers. They are also contact points for new migrants and meeting places to exchange experiences. Members from Australia , Brazil, Germany, France , Italy, Mexico, Paraguay , Switzerland and Slovakia work in the centers . The secular institute publishes the magazine "On the ways of the Exodus" in Italian, German, Portuguese and Spanish

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. On the ways of the Exodus