Síðasti bærinn

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Original title Síðasti bærinn
Country of production Iceland
original language Icelandic
Publishing year 2004
length 18 minutes
Director Rúnar Rúnarsson
script Rúnar Rúnarsson
production Þórir Snær Sigurjónsson
music Kjartan Sveinsson
camera G. Magni Ágústsson
cut Sigurbjörg Jónsdóttir

Síðasti bærinn ( Eng . The Last Farm ) is an Icelandic short film from 2004. For the 2006 Academy Awards , the film was nominated in the Best Short Film category.


Both his daughter, Lilja, and the grocer, Jón, believe that Hrafn is preparing his house in the wilderness of Iceland for the winter, because he and his wife Gróa are to move into a retirement home. In reality, however, he is preparing the grave for himself and his wife. Gróa died, which nobody knows. When Hrafn calls, Hrafn asks his daughter not to come by until the weekend. Lilja, however, makes her way to her parents with her husband and daughter. The moment their car drives onto the property, the last crumbs of earth fall on the spot where Hrafn lowered his wife's coffin before he lay down next to it and triggered the tilt mechanism of his trailer.

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