SV Rot-Weiß Trinwillershagen

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SV Rot-Weiß Trinwillershagen
Basic data
Surname Sports club Rot-Weiß
Trinwillershagen e. V.
Seat Trinwillershagen
founding 1950
Colours Red White
First soccer team
Head coach Jürgen Hakelberg
Venue Sports field at the old park
Places 1000
league National class I
2017/18 5th place
Historical logo of the BSG Rotes Banner

The SV Rot-Weiß Trinwillershagen is a sports club in the town of Trinwillershagen in northern Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , with a population of 1,250 .

The club, which offers sports such as soccer, table tennis, weight training and gymnastics, became known through its predecessor in the time of the GDR, who called itself BSG Rotes Banner Trinwillershagen . "BSG" stands for company sports community , a form of sports organization that existed in GDR sports between 1948 and 1990. "Red Banner" was the name of the agricultural production cooperative in Trinwillershagen, which, as a so-called carrier company, supported the BSG financially and organizationally. The LPG was a model company for cooperative agriculture in the GDR.

The company sports associations usually had several types of sport in their program, the BSG Rotes Banner became known nationwide at times, primarily through equestrian sports and football. So from 1975 to 1977 the show jumping riders of the BSG Heinz Schulenburg and Volker Tonn became GDR champions. The dressage rider Krüger brought the GDR championship title to Trinwillershagen in 1973.

Football players also had their greatest successes in the 1970s. The first men's team rose in 1971 to the third-class district league Rostock , where they could always place in the top half of the table in the following years. In 1976, Rotes Banner won 3rd place in the East relay, behind the 2nd teams from Vorwärts Stralsund and KKW Greifswald , both of which were not eligible for promotion. After two elimination games against the 2nd of the season West Motor Warnowwerft Warnemünde (0: 2, 2: 0 and 4: 3 after penalties), Red Banner qualified for the second-rate GDR league . In their first league season, the village team was able to secure the league with 9th place, a year later with the 10th place among 12th teams, the return to the district league was sealed. In 1979, Trinwillershagen was defeated by Warnemünde in the final of the district championship, and the same was repeated in 1982 against KKW Greifswald, so that the BSG Rotes Banner remained in the district league until the end of GDR football. The best-known football player from their ranks was Eckardt Alms , who was trained in Trinwillershagen and played two games in the GDR league for Hansa Rostock in the 1976/77 season.

League overview 1971 to 1991
until 1971 District class Rostock 4th league
1971-1976 District League Rostock 3rd league
1976-1988 GDR League 2nd league
1978-1991 District League Rostock 3rd league
Eternal table of the GDR league : Rank 143

In the 1990s, the soccer players of SV Rot-Weiß were represented in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Association League for several seasons , and since 2000 they have been playing in the seventh-class state league since 2008 . Since relegation in the 2016/17 season, the club has played in the national class, the eighth highest division.

Teams season 2018/19

For the 2018/19 season, SV Rot Weiß Trinwillershagen has registered an E-Junior team, two D-Junior teams and a B-Junior team, two men's teams and a team over 35.

Web links

Sports club website