String installation

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A string installation consists of long metal strings that are stretched between wooden resonators in large interiors (churches, concert halls, halls, stairwells) or outdoors . It is used in sound art as a sound installation.


The tensile forces are low, even with long strings of over 100 m. Neither the landscape nor the architecture are interfered with. The long strings can be made to sound by people with colophonized fingers. The sounds generated purely acoustically in this way are relatively loud, and their pitches are in the entire audible range.

"Schloss Kapfenburg strung ...", a performance of the string installation by Renate Hoffleit and Michael Bach Bachtischa 2000

The sound is essentially based on the longitudinal vibration of the long strings. The frequency of the longitudinal vibration , in contrast to the transversal vibration of the string (piano, violin, etc.), is independent of the string tension. Because of this property, the pitch is inversely proportional to the length of the string, so a string twice as long will sound an octave lower. In this respect, dimensions of architecture or landscape can be transferred in pitches that have the same relationships with one another.

String installations

Examples of string installations are the projects by Renate Hoffleit and Michael Bach Bachtischa at the Donaueschinger Musiktage 1994, the inauguration of the International Music Academy Schloss Kapfenburg in 2000 or the project (between e and f) ² in the Stuttgart City Library, which was sponsored by the Baden-Baden Art Innovation Fund. Württemberg was significantly promoted. These site-specific string installations are specifically related to the architecture or the landscape, which determine the frequencies of the strings, as described above. On the basis of this sound system in situ, compositions are often created that are performed with several string players and instrumentalists or singers.

Long strings

Examples of the use of long strings that do not have location-specific dimensions but are subject to different intentions are as follows: As early as 1977, the composition Music on a Long Thin Wire by the American composer Alvin Lucier (* 1931) used a single string up to 30 meters long that is electronically excited to produce complex sounds. Since 1981 the composer and sculptor Ellen Fullman (* 1957) has been developing her long string instrument in collaboration with engineers and instrument makers, initially without resonators. She worked with Arnold Dreyblatt in early performances . In 1998 it consisted of about a hundred strings attached to waist height over a length of thirty meters. “The dimensions of the string installation and the interaction of the overtones with the space transforms it into a gigantic musical instrument.” Parallel to Ellen Fullman, Paul Panhuysen (* 1934) and Johan Goedhart (* 1951) set up their first string installations in 1982 refer to Pythagoras .

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. String installations
  2. "Schloss Kapfenburg strung ..." in the Guinness Book of Records
  3. ^ Gisela Gronemeyer: Frau Musica (nova) [4xCD of the event 1998 ( Liner Notes )]
  4. See also A Magic Square of 5 to Look at