Salomon David Steinberg

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Salomon David Steinberg (born June 25, 1889 in Lucerne ; died October 22, 1965 in Zurich ) is one of the few expressionist writers in Switzerland.


Steinberg was of Jewish origin. He studied in Berlin and Zurich, where he received his doctorate in 1913. After the First World War he went to Berlin again as a freelance writer and from 1925 until the end of his life was director of the Minerva Middle School in Zurich. From 1927 he only wrote reviews in the Züricher Post .

Steinberg's poems appeared in the poetry volumes Untergang (1917) and Klingendes Erleben (1927).

With his wife Lea Jacobson, he founded the Salomon David Steinberg Scholarship Foundation, which awards doctoral scholarships for humanities scholars.

Works (selection)

  • The blue hour . Poems. Berlin: Juncker, 1913


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franziska Schönauer: Steinberg, Salomon David. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .