Salomon Voigt

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Salomon Voigt (born June 4, 1588 in Glashütte (Saxony) ; † December 30, 1655 in Dresden ) was an electoral Saxon civil servant, Dresden councilor and mayor of the city.


Salomon Voigt came from the mountain town of Glashütte in the Ore Mountains and is mentioned there in 1634 as a mountain and hut clerk for the mining office. From 1641 he was a member of the Dresden council and in 1654 took over the office of the governing mayor. In the following year he died in Dresden and was buried there in the Sophienkirche .

In 1633 Voigt housed Günther von Bünau (1604–1659), who was expelled from Bohemia in the course of the Counter Reformation, in his house on Dresden's Altmarkt . Bünau belonged to a long-established and extensive aristocratic family and had previously lived in Tetschen ( Děčín ). In addition to his town house, Salomon Voigt also owned a garden plot in front of the Pirnaischer Tor.

From his fortune, he donated a wood-carved miner's pulpit as well as the cladding of the baptismal font and the altar to St. Wolfgang's Church in his home town of Glashütte in 1650. He also left a legacy of 150 guilders in favor of the cantor of this church.


After his death in 1655 Voigt was buried in the Dresden Sophienkirche. The tomb was in the south porch and consisted of a sandstone block 1.31 meters high and 58 cm wide. Next to it was the grave of his wife Sophie, who died in 1639 at the age of 45.


  • Sieglinde Richter-Nickel: The venerable council of Dresden , in: Dresdner Geschichtsbuch No. 5, Dresden City Museum (ed.); DZA Verlag for Culture and Science, Altenburg 1999, ISBN 3-9806602-1-4 .
  • Otto Richter: Constitutional and administrative history of the city of Dresden , Volume 1, Verlag W. Baensch, Dresden 1885.

Individual evidence

  1. Martina Schattkowsky: The von Bünau family: noble lords in Saxony and Bohemia from the Middle Ages to modern times. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig 2008. p. 283.
  2. Christoph Meisner: Complicated message from the Churfl. Saxon. Schrifftsäßigen freyen tin mountain town of Altenberg, located in Meissen on the Bohemian border , Dresden and Leipzig 1747. P. 607
  3. Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony, vol. 21, p. 114.

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predecessor Office successor
Christian Schumann (Mayor) (1653) Mayor of Dresden
Valentin Schäfer (politician, 1592) (1655)