Salvino Salvini

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Salvino Salvini (born March 26, 1824 in Livorno , † 1899 in Arezzo ) was an Italian sculptor and visual artist.


Born in Livorno, Salvini studied at the Accademia delle Arti del Disegnoe in Florence with Luigi Bartolini . He later moved to Rome , where he continued his studies at the Florentine Academy with Pietro Tenerani .

His thesis was a statue of Archimedes . In 1862 he was appointed professor at the Royal Academy of Bologna , created a statue of Nicola Pisano in the churchyard in Pisa and won a competition to design the equestrian statue of Vittorio Emanuele on the Piazzale di Independencia in Florence. In 1877 he exhibited a marble statue of the young Giotto and another bust of Gioachino Rossini at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in Naples . These works were also exhibited in Florence, Rome, Bologna, and Turin, where a stucco bust depicting Father Cristoforo was exhibited in 1884 and also exhibited in Rome in 1883. He carved the statue of Cardinal Valeriani who blessed the foundations of Santa Reparata , which is on the facade of Florence Cathedral . He also made a monument to Guido de Arezzo .

In his work L'arte a Paris, the contemporary critic Tullo Massarani praised the statue of the young Giotto de Salvini as the image of the Italian genius. The poet Giuseppe Regaldi wrote a poem of praise.
