Sampo Sarkola

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Sampo Sarkola (2011)

Sampo Sarkola (born January 31, 1978 in Helsinki ) is a Finnish actor .


Sampo Sarkola is the son of the actor Asko Sarkola . His older sister is the playwright Milja Sarkola . His stepmother is the actress Jonna Järnefelt , to whom his father has been married since 1990.

He completed his acting studies at the Helsinki Theater Academy and then worked at the Swedish-speaking Lilla Teatern in Helsinki from 2004 to 2016 .

While still a student, Sarkola appeared in a few short films and television productions before he made his screen debut in 2004 with his role in Åke Lindman's war film Beyond the Front Line - Battle for Karelia . Since then he has appeared in over 40 film and television productions. For his portrayal of make in the drama Kohtaamisia , directed by Saara Cantell , Sarkola was awarded a Jussi for Best Supporting Actor in 2011 .


  • 2004: Beyond the Front Line - Fight for Karelia (Framom främsta linjen)
  • 2004: Gourmet Club
  • 2009: Kohtaamisia
  • 2010: Priest of Evil (Harjunpää ja pahan pappi)
  • 2011: Hella W
  • 2015: The secret society of Soup Town (Supilinna Salaselts)
  • 2018: Bullets (TV series, eight episodes)
  • 2018: The Commissioner and the Sea - Festival of Lights
  • 2018: Hunter - Deadly Greed ( Jägarna , TV series, eight episodes)

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