Samuel Mosbach the Elder

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Samuel Mosbach the Elder, posthumous etching by Johann Reinhold Schildknecht

Samuel Mosbach the Elder (* 1556 in Güsten ; † February 19, 1603 in Leipzig ) was a German lawyer , most recently Chancellor of the Electorate of Saxony .


Mosbach was born in 1556 as the son of the later Sangerhausen superintendent Simon Mosbach († 1573) and his wife Catharina. From 1568 on he attended the grammar school in Schulpforta , where he held a vacancy. After the early death of his father, he studied in Leipzig. In 1575 he was promoted to Magister, on April 12, 1581 he disputed under Caspar Jungermann about “conclus. ex L. juris gent. §. quinomo et §. seq. II. de pactis ". In 1583 he was appointed dean of the philosophical faculty and expanded his academic career to include a law degree. Shortly afterwards, Count Albrecht VII of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt appointed him his chancellor. Mosbach advanced to Dr. iur. utr. in Jena and obtained a position as Electoral Saxon and Saxon-Weimar Council, from January 3, 1592 as Vice Chancellor in Weimar. Shortly thereafter, in 1593, he became chancellor of the Electoral Saxon administrator Friedrich Wilhelm I of Saxony-Weimar in Torgau , and from 1595 he was a member of the Privy Council in Torgau. Mosbach died in Leipzig in 1603.


Samuel Mosbach the Elder married Dorothea Hanauer in 1595. He was the father of the lawyer Samuel Mosbach the Younger. Mosbach's sister Elisabeth was the wife of the Quenstedt pastor Gregorius Luppe I and mother of the Leipzig upper town clerk Gregorius Luppe II .

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