Sancha from Provence

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Sancha von der Provence (French Sancie de Provence ) (* 1225 ; † November 9, 1261 ) was the third daughter of Raimund Berengar V of Provence and Beatrix of Savoy . She has been described as "incomparable beauty" .

Through the mediation of her sister Eleanor of Provence , she married Richard of Cornwall , Earl of Cornwall, whose first wife had just died, on November 23, 1243 in Westminster Abbey . The cost of the wedding was paid mainly through a tax imposed on the country's Jews . The extravagance of the festivities can be recognized by the fact that thirty thousand plates were prepared for the wedding dinner alone.

She was crowned on May 17, 1257 as "Queen of Romans" (English: Queen of Romans ) and Queen of Germany together with her husband in Aachen Cathedral .

The couple had three sons:

After her death, Sancha was buried on November 15 at Hailes Abbey in Gloucester .