Sara Scuderi

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Sara Scuderi and Alex Wunnink (1952)

Sara Scuderi (born December 11, 1906 in Catania , † December 24, 1987 in Milan ) was an Italian opera singer (soprano).


Scuderi was born in Catania , Sicily . She completed her studies under Matteo Adernò .

She made her stage debut at the Teatro Coccia in Novara as Desdemona in Verdi's Otello . In 1926 she went to the Netherlands, where she quickly became popular. 1929-1931 she went on tour in Latin America. As a result, she sang again in Holland, but also at the major opera houses in Italy and Europe. In 1932 she made her debut at La Scala in Milan, where she performed frequently until 1945. She was celebrated nationwide for her interpretation of Puccini's Tosca . The production of Tosca in the Terme di Caracalla in Rome with Beniamino Gigli and Luigi Montesanto is considered legendary. Scuderi sang in the world premieres of Ernst Krenek's Cefalo e Procri ( Teatro Goldoni , Venice 1934), Gian Francesco Malipiero's Giulio Cesare (Genoa 1936) and Ezio Camussi's Il volto della Vergine .

She left the stage at the end of the 1940s. Then she worked as a singing teacher in Milan.

In the last phase of her life, Scuderi lived in the Casa di Riposo per Musicisti , the world's first old people's home for retired musicians and opera singers, founded in 1896 by Giuseppe Verdi . The director Daniel Schmid filmed Scuderi in 1984 in his documentary Il Bacio di Tosca about everyday life in this old people's home. Scuderi listened to the sound of her voice on records and began to sing along. Scuderi died three years later.


Web links


  1. Karl-Josef Kutsch , Leo Riemens : Large singer lexicon .