Sayyed Zahiruddin Mar'ashi

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Mir Sayyed Zahiruddin Marashi ( Persian میر سید ظهیر الدین مرعشی; * 1413 in Amol , Persia ; † 1488 ) was an Iranian scholar and historian . He comes directly from the ruling family of the Mar'ashi. His grandfather, Sayyed Kamaluddin Mar'ashi, ruled the city of Sari and had participated in the military resistance against Timur's attack on Persia. Mir Sayyed Zahiruddin Mar'ashi's father, Sayyed Nasiruddin Mar'ashi, lived as a confidante of his own older brother Ali at his court in Sari. The tomb of his ancestor Mir Ghawamuddin Mar'ashi in the city of Amol is called “Mir Bozorg” (“Great Prince”).

His Persian-language work Tarikh e Tabaristan va Ruyan va Mazandaran ("The history of Tabaristans , Ruyans and Mazandarans ") is dedicated to the history of the aforementioned regions of Persia, which geographically essentially include the present-day Iranian provinces of Mazandaran and Golestan as well as partly the province of Gilan in the south of the Caspian Sea. In another major work called Tarikh e Gilan va Deilamestan, he deals with the history of the northern Persian coastal regions of the Caspian Sea, Dailam and Gilan, which most closely correspond to today's province of Gilan.

Both works became known in Europe when they were published by Bernhard Dorn in the years 1850–1858 in Saint Petersburg .

In his works, Mar'ashi also refers to some prehistoric or mythological Iranian figures. In the history of Tabaristan, Ruyan and Mazandaran , for example, he reports that the hero Fereydūn ( Persian فریدون), which we encountered in Persian mythology , in the book Shāhnāme by the Persian poet Firdausi and among other things already in older Iranian texts, especially in the Avesta , was born in this region and specifically near Larijan in the vicinity of Mount Damavand .

Sayyed Zahiruddin Mar'ashi's extensive works are important works of ancient Persian-language historiography.

Individual evidence

  1. Tavarikh e Tabarestan va Yaddashtha ye ma (translated: "Historical work on Tabaristan and our notes"). Ahmad Kasravi, weekly Nowbahar Haftegi , 1922. In: Tarikh-i Tabarestan o Ruyan o Mazandaran. Mir Sayyed Zahiruddin Mar'ashi. Editor: MH Tasbihi. Shargh Publishing House. Tehran, 1966
  2. Tarikh-i Tabarestan o o Ruyan Mazandaran. Mir Sayyed Zahiruddin Mar'ashi. Editor: MH Tasbihi. Shargh Publishing House. Tehran, 1966