Schütz-Werke directory

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The Schütz Works Directory (SWV) is the directory of the works of the composer Heinrich Schütz designed by Werner Bittinger . It essentially arranges the works chronologically, i.e. in the order in which they were created.

Il primo libro de Madrigali (1611) - SWV 1-19

Madrigals , mostly five-part

  1. O primavera, gioventù de l'anno
  2. O dolcezze amarissimi d'amore
  3. Selve beate, se sospirando in flebili susurri
  4. Alma afflitta, che fai
  5. Cosi the debb'io
  6. D'orrida selce alpina
  7. Ride la primavera
  8. Fuggi o mio core
  9. Feritevi, viperette mordaci
  10. Fiamma ch'allaccia
  11. Quella damma son io
  12. Mi saluta costei, ma nel soave inchino
  13. Io moro, ecco ch'io moro
  14. Sospir che del bel petto
  15. Dunque addio, care selve
  16. Tornate o cari baci
  17. Di marmo siete voi
  18. Giunto è pure, Lidia, giunto
  19. Vasto mar, nel cui seno

  1. Blessed is he who has a virtuous wife (1618)
  2. House and goods are inherited from parents (1618)

Psalms of David (1619) - SWV 22-47

Title page of the Psalms of David

Psalms of David , multi-choir sacred concerts

  1. The Lord spoke to my master
  2. Why do the Gentiles rage (Ps. 2)
  3. Oh Lord, do not punish me in your anger (Ps. 6)
  4. From below, Lord, I call to you (Ps. 130)
  5. I am happy about what has been spoken to me
  6. Lord, our Ruler
  7. Happy those who do not walk in the counsel of the wicked (Ps. 1)
  8. How lovely are your homes, Lord of hosts (Ps. 84)
  9. Happy those who fear the Lord
  10. I lift my eyes to the mountains
  11. Give thanks to the Lord; because he's friendly
  12. The Lord is my Shepherd (Ps. 23)
  13. I thank the Lord with all my heart
  14. Sing a new song to the Lord (Ps. 98)
  15. Shout out to the Lord, all the world
  16. By the waters of Babylon (Ps. 137)
  17. Alleluia! Praise the Lord in his sanctuary
  18. Praise the Lord my soul (Ps. 103)
  19. Isn't Ephraim my dear son
  20. Well praise, my soul, gentlemen
  21. Who sow with tears
  22. Not us, Lord, not us
  23. Happy those who fear the Lord
  24. Thank the gentleman for he is kind
  25. Zion says: The Lord has forsaken me
  26. Shout out to the Lord, all the world

  1. See how fine and lovely it is
  2. Syncharma Musicum / The 124th Psalm
  3. Historia of the happy and victorious resurrection of our one Savior and Savior Jesus Christ ("Resurrection History")
  4. The 116th Psalm. I like that
  5. Miserable farewell: Grim tomb

Cantiones Sacrae (1625) - SWV 53-93

Spiritual madrigals, mostly four-part

  1. (Prima pars :) O bone, o dulcis, o benigne Jesu
  2. (Secunda pars :) Et ne despicias humiliter te petentem
  3. Deus misereatur nostri, et benedicat nobis
  4. (Prima pars :) Quid commisisti, o dulcissime puer?
  5. (Secunda pars :) Ego sum tui plaga doloris
  6. (Tertia pars :) Ego enim inique egi
  7. (Quarta pars :) Quo, nate Dei, quo tua descendit humilitas
  8. (Quinta et ultima pars :) Calicem salutaris accipiam
  9. (Prima pars :) Verba mea auribus percipe, domine
  10. (Secunda pars :) Quoniam ad te clamabo, Domine
  11. (Prima pars :) Ego dormio, et cor meum vigilat
  12. (Secunda pars :) Vulnerasti cor meum, filia charissima
  13. Hay mihi, Domine, quia peccavi nimis
  14. In te, domine, speravi
  15. Dulcissime et benignissime Christe
  16. Sicut Moses serpentem in deserto exaltavit
  17. Spes mea, Christe Deus, hominum tu dulcis amator
  18. Turbabor, sed non perturbabor
  19. (Prima pars :) Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi
  20. (Secunda pars :) Quid detur tibi aut quid apponatur tibi
  21. (Prima pars :) Aspice pater piissimum filium
  22. (Secunda pars :) Nun hic est, mi Domine, innocens Zonen
  23. (Tertia et ultima pars :) Reduc, Domine Deus meus, oculos majestatis
  24. (Prima pars :) Supereminet omnem scientiam, o bone Jesu
  25. (Secunda pars :) Pro hoc magno mysterio pietatis
  26. (Prima pars :) Domine, non est exaltatum cor meum
  27. (Secunda pars :) Si non humiliter sentiebam
  28. (Tertia et ultima pars :) Put Israel in dominoes
  29. Cantate Domino canticum novum
  30. Inter brachia Salvatoris mei
  31. Veni, rogo in cor meum
  32. Ecce advocatus meus apud te, Deum patrem
  33. (Prima pars :) Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me
  34. (Secunda pars :) Quoniam non est in morte qui memor sit tui
  35. (Tertia et ultima pars :) Discedite a me omnes qui operamini
  36. (Prima pars :) Oculi omnium in te sperant, Domine
  37. (Secunda pars :) Pater noster, qui es in coelis
  38. (Tertia et ultima pars :) Domine Deus, pater coelestis, benedic nobis
  39. (Prima pars :) Confitemini Domino, quoniam ipse bonus
  40. (Secunda pars :) Pater noster: Repetatur ut supra (= SWV 89)
  41. (Tertia et ultima pars :) Gratias agimus tibi, Domine Deus Pater

  1. I have given my thing to God
  2. Ultima verba Psalmi 23 (funeral motets)
  3. Luck to the helicon ( aria )

Beckerscher Psalter (1628, rev. 1661) - SWV 97–256

Four-part song movements

  1. Who does not sit in the council of the wicked ( Psalm 1)
  2. What do the people have in mind (Psalm 2)
  3. Oh how great is the enemy Rott (Psalm 3)
  4. Hear me when I call to you (Psalm 4)
  5. Lord hear what I want to ask you (Psalm 5)
  6. Oh Lord my God, don't punish me (Psalm 6)
  7. I trust in you, my Lord and God (Psalm 7)
  8. With thanks we are to praise (Psalm 8)
  9. With a happy heart (Psalm 9)
  10. What do you mean, oh Lord my God (Psalm 10)
  11. I trust in God, what should it be (Psalm 11)
  12. Oh God, see it from heaven (Psalm 12)
  13. Oh Lord, how long do you want to go (Psalm 13)
  14. The unwise mouth speaks well (Psalm 14)
  15. Who, Lord, will be yours in the huts (Psalm 15)
  16. Keep me God I trust in you (Psalm 16)
  17. Lord God, hear righteousness (Psalm 17)
  18. I love you very much, Lord (Psalm 18)
  19. The heavens, Lord, extol Your divine power and honor (Psalm 19)
  20. The Lord hears you in need (Psalm 20)
  21. The king rejoices (Psalm 21)
  22. My God, my God, oh Lord, my God (Psalm 22, 1st part)
  23. I want to announce in the Gmein (Psalm 22, 2nd part)
  24. The Lord is my faithful Shepherd (Psalm 23)
  25. The earth and what moves on it (Psalm 24)
  26. I long for you (Psalm 25)
  27. Lord, do me justice, accept mine (Psalm 26)
  28. My light and salvation is the Lord God (Psalm 27)
  29. I call to you, Lord God, my refuge (Psalm 28)


  1. Rejoice in the Lord (Psalm 33)


  1. Lord, who was gracious before (Psalm 86)


  1. Sing a new song to the Lord (Psalm 96)


  1. Lord God, of whom I boasted


  1. Praise God with sound (Psalm 117)


  1. Blessed are those who walk (Psalm 119)


  1. Praise God in his sanctuary (Psalm 150)


Symphoniae sacrae I (1629) - SWV 257-276

Sacred concerts for up to three voices with obligatory instruments

  1. Paratum cor meum, Deus
  2. Exultavit cor meum in dominoes
  3. In te, domine, speravi
  4. Cantabo Domino in vita mea
  5. Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis
  6. Jubilate Deodorant Terra
  7. (Prima pars :) Anima mea liquefacta est
  8. (Secunda pars :) Adjuro vos, filiae Hierusalem
  9. (Prima pars :) O quam tu pulchra es, amica mea
  10. (Secunda pars :) Veni de Libano, amica mea
  11. (Prima pars :) Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore
  12. (Secunda pars :) Exquisivi Dominum et exaudivit me
  13. Fili mi, Absalon
  14. Attendite, popule meus, legem meam
  15. Domine, labia mea aperies
  16. (Prima pars :) In lectulo per noctes quem diliget anima mea quaesivi
  17. (Secunda pars :) Invenerunt me custodes civitatis
  18. Veni, dilecte mi, in hortum meum
  19. (Prima pars :) Buccinate in neomenia tuba
  20. (Secunda pars :) Jubilate Deo in chordis et organo

  1. That is certainly true (funeral motets for Johann Hermann Schein )
  2. O of great miracles (canzonetta)

Musical exequies (1636) - SWV 279–281

  1. I came naked from the womb
  2. Lord if I only have you
  3. Lord, now you let your servant go in peace

Small Sacred Concerts I (1636) - SWV 282–305

Sacred concerts for one to six voices and basso continuo

  1. Hurry, God, to save me
  2. Bring here the lord, you mighty ones
  3. I thank the Lord with all my heart in the council of the pious
  4. O sweet, oh kind, oh gracious Lord Jesus Christ
  5. The Lord is great and very praiseworthy
  6. O dear Lord God, wake us up
  7. You saints, sing praises to the Lord
  8. Answer me when I call you, God of my justice
  9. Good for him who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
  10. Create in me, God, a pure heart
  11. The Lord looks from heaven on the children of men
  12. Praise the Lord who dwells in Zion
  13. I ask one thing from the gentleman
  14. O help, Christe God's Son / Christe Deus adjuva
  15. Do not be afraid, I am with you
  16. O Lord help, O Lord let it succeed
  17. The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God
  18. Godliness is useful for all things
  19. Heaven and earth pass away
  20. Now come, the Gentile Savior / Veni redemptor gentium
  21. A child is born to us
  22. We all believe in one God
  23. See, my advocate is in heaven
  24. I have given my property to God / Meas dicavi res Deo

Small Sacred Concerts II (1639) - SWV 306–337

Sacred concerts for one to six voices and basso continuo

  1. I will always praise the Lord
  2. What have you achieved, O you most wonderful boy?
  3. O Jesus, noun dulce
  4. O misericordissime Jesus
  5. I lie and sleep and wake up
  6. Have your pleasure in the gentleman
  7. Lord I hope that you are so gracious
  8. Bone Jesu, verbum Patris
  9. Verbum caro factum est
  10. Hodie Christ natus est
  11. When our eyes go to sleep / Quando se claudunt lumina
  12. Master, we worked all night
  13. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
  14. I bend my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
  15. I've been young and I've grown old
  16. Lord if I only have you
  17. Rorate Coeli desuper
  18. Joseph, you son of David
  19. I am the resurrection and the life
  20. The soul of Christ sanctify me
  21. I call to you, Mr. Jesu Christ / Te Christe supplex invoco
  22. Honor only to God on high
  23. Veni, sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium
  24. Is God for us, who can be against us?
  25. Who will part us from the love of God?
  26. The voice of the gentleman rises on the waters
  27. Jubilate Deodorant Terra
  28. Greetings, Maria, you blessed one (with strings)
  29. Ave Maria, gratia plena (Latin version of SWV 333)
  30. How are you sad, my soul
  31. Quemadmodum desiderat cervus
  32. Aufer immense, Deus, aufer iram

  1. Teutoniam dudum belli atra pericla molestant / Adveniunt pascha pleno concelebranda triumpho
  2. I swear you, daughters of Jerusalem
  3. O you very sweetest and dearest Lord Jesus

Symphoniae sacrae II (1647) - SWV 341-367

Sacred concerts for up to three voices with obligatory instruments

  1. My heart is ready, God, for me to sing
  2. Sing to the Lord a new song, sing to the Lord all the world
  3. Lord our ruler, how glorious is your name
  4. My soul lifts up the Lord
  5. The Lord is my strength
  6. (First part :) I will not die, I will live
  7. (Other part :) I thank you, Lord, with all my heart
  8. I love you dearly, O Lord, my strength
  9. Rejoice with your hands and exult the Lord
  10. Praise the Lord in his sanctuary
  11. Be careful not to weigh down your hearts
  12. Lord, now you leave your servant
  13. What are you grieving, my soul?
  14. (First part :) Please give us peace
  15. (Other part) Give to our princes and all authorities
  16. God stand up (adaptation of two madrigals by Claudio Monteverdi )
  17. Shines like a ruby ​​in fine gold
  18. Eat your bread with joy
  19. The Lord is my light and my salvation
  20. I ask two things, Lord, from you
  21. Lord, bow your heavens and descend
  22. From the rising of the sun to its setting
  23. Praise the Lord, all Gentiles
  24. Those, if you fear the gentlemen
  25. There are three beautiful things
  26. I don't want to leave God
  27. Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous

  1. Princely grace on water and on land (song of thanks)

Sacred choral music (1648) - SWV 369–397

Sacred choral music , five- to seven-part motets

  1. (First part :) The scepter will not be stolen from Judah
  2. (Other part :) He will wash his dress in wine
  3. The healing grace of God has appeared
  4. (First part :) Graciously grant us peace
  5. (Other part) Give to our princes and all authorities
  6. Our nobody lives for himself
  7. Much will come from morning and evening
  8. Gather the weeds beforehand
  9. Lord, I trust you
  10. Those who sow with tears will reap with joy
  11. So I go to Jesus Christ
  12. So God loved the world
  13. O dear Lord God, wake us up
  14. Comfort, comfort my people
  15. I am a calling voice
  16. A child is born to us
  17. The word was made flesh and dwelt among us
  18. The heavens tell the glory of god
  19. I love you dearly, oh Lord
  20. That is certainly true and a word that is dear to you
  21. I am a real vine
  22. Our walk is in heaven
  23. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
  24. Whatever my God wants, always be
  25. I know that my saviour is alive
  26. Look at the fig tree and all the trees
  27. The angel spoke to the shepherds (arrangement of a composition by Andrea Gabrieli )
  28. A shout was heard on the mountain
  29. You scoundrel, I forgave you all of this debt

Symphoniae sacrae III (1650) - SWV 398-418

Sacred concerts for voices and instruments, some with multiple choirs

  1. The Lord is my shepherd, I will want nothing
  2. I lift my eyes to the mountains
  3. Where the Lord does not build the house
  4. My son, why did you do this to us?
  5. O Lord help, O Lord let it succeed
  6. See, the angel of the Lord appeared
  7. Sweep out the old sourdough
  8. O sweet Jesus Christ, who thinks rightly of you
  9. O Jesus sweet, whoever remembers you
  10. Let us praise the Lord our God
  11. A sower went out to sow his seed
  12. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful
  13. See, this is set to be a case
  14. Our father who are in heaven
  15. See how fine and lovely it is
  16. Be careful not to weigh down your hearts
  17. Master, we know that you are real
  18. Saul, Saul, what are you chasing me?
  19. Lord, how long do you want to forget mine?
  20. Come, Holy Spirit, Lord God
  21. Now all thank God

  1. Oh my soul, why are you sad? (Funeral song)

Twelve Sacred Chants - SWV 420–431

Four-part chants a cappella

  1. Kyrie God the Father forever
  2. All honor and praise should be to God
  3. I believe in one God
  4. Our Lord Jesus Christ
  5. I thank the Lord with all my heart
  6. We all give thanks to God
  7. My soul lifts up the Lord
  8. O sweet Jesus Christ, who thinks rightly of you
  9. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison
  10. All eyes are waiting for you
  11. Thank the Lord
  12. Christe fac ut sapiam

SWV 432-481

  1. Lord, now you leave your servant
  2. Lord, now you leave your servant
  3. Like when the eagle soars out of its cliff (Aria)
  4. Historia of the Nativity (Christmas History)
  5. Ego autem sum Dominus (fragment, singing voice not preserved)
  6. Veni, Domine (fragment, singing voice not preserved)
  7. The earth drinks for itself
  8. Today Christ the Lord is born
  9. Güldne HAIR, equal to Aurore (adaptation of a composition by Claudio Monteverdi )
  10. Dearest, says in sweet pain
  11. Virtue is the best friend
  12. Woman what are you crying
  13. Two people went up
  14. Oh stay with your grace
  15. I hoped in you (chorale)
  16. Have mercy on me
  17. Song of the three men in the fiery furnace (concert)
  18. Lord, our Ruler
  19. Oh Lord, you creator of all things
  20. After I lay in my dreary bed (madrigal)
  21. Doesn't Salomon let his bed surround him (madrigal)
  22. Rejoice in the woman of your youth
  23. Now let's God the Lord (chorale, maybe not real)
  24. The heavens tell the glory of God (motet, early version of SWV 386)
  25. Hodie Christ natus est (concert)
  26. I know my savior lives (motet)
  27. Litania: Kyrie Eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison
  28. Tell the guests (concert)
  29. Itzt look through the Himmels Saal (Madrigal)
  30. Lord, who were once gracious to your country
  31. In you, Lord, I trust
  32. Cantate Domino canticum novum (arrangement of a composition by Giovanni Gabrieli )
  33. I am the resurrection and the life
  34. Da pacem, domine
  35. Lord, who will dwell in your tents?
  36. Where the Lord God doesn't stop with us (Choralkanzone)
  37. Magnificat for five choirs
  38. Surrexit pastor bonus
  39. Christ has risen from the torture of all
  40. O bone Jesu, fili Mariae
  41. Lord God, we praise you ( German Te Deum , authenticity questionable)
  42. Where the Lord does not build the house
  43. Oh, how am I supposed to live in joy?
  44. Veni, Sancte Spiritus. concert
  45. Domini est terra
  46. Father Abraham, have mercy on me (Dialogus)
  47. The seven words of Jesus on the cross
  48. St. Matthew Passion
  49. Luke Passion
  50. St. John Passion

Swan song (1672) - SWV 482–494

Sacred concerts for two four-part choirs and basso continuo

  1. Good for those who live without change
  2. Do good to your servant
  3. Show me, Lord, the way of your right
  4. Remember your word to your servant
  5. You are doing good to your servant
  6. My soul longs for your salvation
  7. How do I love your law so much
  8. I hate the fluttering ghosts
  9. Your testimonials are wonderful
  10. I call with all my heart
  11. The princes persecute me without cause
  12. The 100th Psalm. Shout out to the Lord all over the world
  13. German Magnificat. My soul lifts up the Lord

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ on the night he was betrayed (motet)
  2. Esaia the prophet that happened. (Choral concert) (incomplete)
  3. A child is born to us (incomplete)
  4. Stand up my friend
  5. Tulerunt Dominum (concert, incomplete)
  6. By the waters of Babylon
  7. With the Amphion (Aria)

Appendix 1 - Four shepherdesses, equally young, equally beautiful
Appendix 2 - Oh Lord, you son of David
Appendix 3 - The God Abraham
Appendix 4 - → SWV 498
Appendix 5 - Benedicam Domino
Appendix 6 - Rejoice with me
Appendix 7 - Lord, listen my word
Appendix 8 - Open the gates
Appendix 9 - Sumite psalmum
Appendix 10 - Dominus illuminatio mea
Appendix 11 - A quarrel arose in heaven

Web links

  • Catalog of works by Heinrich Schütz, optionally sorted by SWV, opus number, year of creation, title and genre. Scope (last viewed on February 19, 2012): SWV 1–496, Appendix 1–11
  • Werkverzeichnis Heinrich Schütz ' optionally sorted according to SWV, opus number, 1st line of text original text or translation and opus title. With detailed explanations, sheet music excerpts, pictures and music examples. Scope (last viewed on February 19, 2012): SWV 1–435
  • Catalog of works Heinrich Schütz tabular catalog of works. Scope (last viewed on February 19, 2012): SWV 1–501