Sharon Bluff

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Sharon Bluff
location Victoria Land , East Antarctica
part of Transantarctic Mountains
Sharon Bluff (Antarctica)
Sharon Bluff
Coordinates 70 ° 58 ′  S , 167 ° 24 ′  E Coordinates: 70 ° 58 ′  S , 167 ° 24 ′  E
Topographic map with Sharon Bluff (bottom right)

Topographic map with Sharon Bluff (bottom right)


The Sharon Bluff is a 1000  m high and steep cliff on the Pennell coast of the East Antarctic Victoria Land . It rises on the south side of the Tapsell Foreland and towers over the northern flank of the Barnett Glacier 15 km west of the Cape Moore .

The United States Geological Survey mapped it using its own surveys and aerial photographs of the United States Navy from 1960 to 1963. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it in 1970 after LeRoy H. Sharon (1915-2004), who lived in the Antarctic winter 1968 worked as an American exchange scientist on the Soviet Molodjoschnaja station .

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