Battle of Grumentum

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Battle of Grumentum
Location of the ancient grumentum
Part of an ancient map of Roman Lucania

Location of the ancient Grumentum (today Grumento Nova )
date 207 BC Chr.
place Grumentum on the Agri River
output minor Roman victory
Parties to the conflict

Roman Empire



Gaius Claudius Nero


Troop strength
unknown unknown

about 500

According to Livy, 8,000 dead and 700 prisoners

The Battle of Grumentum was a skirmish between the Romans and the Carthaginians in 207 BC. Chr.


The Roman consul Gaius Claudius Nero and his army were responsible for fighting Hannibal in southern Italy, while his colleague Marcus Livius Salinator in the north was supposed to fend off the invasion of Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal . 207 BC The battle of Grumentum on the Agri river took place in the 4th century BC .

The battle

At Grumentum in Lucania , Claudius Nero was able to win a victory over Hannibal, in which, according to Titus Livius, 8,000 members of Hannibal's army were killed and 700 were captured.


Later Nero left part of his troops to guard Hannibal and set out with the other part of his army to the north, where he supported Livius Salinator in defeating Hasdrubal in the Battle of Metaurus .
