Battle of Numistro

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Battle of Numistro
Location of the ancient numistro
Part of an ancient map of Roman Lucania

Location of the ancient Numistro (today Muro Lucano )
date 210 BC Chr.
place Numistro , Italy
output no clear result
Parties to the conflict

Roman Empire



Marcus Claudius Marcellus


The Battle of Numistro was a skirmish between Hannibal on the side of the Carthaginians and the forces of Marcellus on the side of the Roman Empire around 210 BC. Chr.


After the Second Battle of Herdonia was victorious for the Carthaginians, Hannibal had the city of Numistro plundered, as it fought on the side of the Romans. He set up camp on a hill in front of the city and expected an attack from the consul Marcus Claudius Marcellus, who furiously pursued the Carthaginians because of his defeat at Herdonia. The Roman army encamped in the plain, which is why Marcellus was in a bad position to start the battle. He attempted a surprise attack on Hannibal at dawn, but this failed due to the vigilance of the Carthaginian guards. A battle of two wedged armies ensued.


The battle lasted a full day without the generals being able to make much use of their strategies. At dusk, the fight was stopped due to fatigue of the warriors. The next day the Carthaginians set out again, closely followed by the Romans. This persecution ended in the Battle of Asculum .


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