Julius Schlinck

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Julius Schlinck

Julius Engelbert Philipp Schlinck (born June 28, 1875 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein , † December 31, 1944 in Hamburg ) was a German industrialist.


After attending high school and doing military service as a one-year volunteer in Mannheim, Julius Schlinck studied natural sciences and economics at the Hessian Ludwig University . From autumn 1894 to autumn 1896 he was active in the Corps Starkenburgia . As an inactive he moved to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin , which made him Dr. phil. PhD.

In 1899 he joined his father's company, Schlinck & Co. He became the sole owner of the company that manufactured vegetable fats and oils under the Palmin trademark . In 1908, Schlinck converted the company into a stock corporation and moved its headquarters from Mannheim to Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg. During the First World War he resigned from the board of the H. Schlinck Cie. AG and switched to its supervisory board. As a captain in the Landwehr , he served two years on the western and eastern fronts. In 1916 he was department head at Ober Ost in Wilna . In Mitau in 1917 he was the Prussian Minister of War in Finland for six months.

Although not a "Hamburger", Schlinck was for many years deputy chairman of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce , member of the industrial commission, deputy chairman of the transport committee of the standing tariff commission of the Deutsche Reichsbahngesellschaft, member of the Reichseisenbahnrat Hamburg-Hanover and member of the transport committee of the German industry and trade day . Schlink was a member of the supervisory boards of numerous stock corporations. These included the AG for domestic and foreign companies in Hamburg, the Hamburg-Mannheimer Versicherungs-AG in Hamburg, the Hamburg-Bremer Feuerversicherungsgesellschaft in Hamburg, the Hamburg-Bremer Rückversicherungs-AG in Hamburg, the Hernsheim & Co in Hamburg, the Kühlhaus Centrum AG in Hamburg and the cigarette factory Gebrüder Mayer AG in Mannheim. He was a member of the Academic Clusb in Hamburg . It hit him hard that his only son could not become Starkenburger in 1933 and that he himself had to retire under the Aryan paragraph .

See also


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nationale des Corps Starkenburgia, No. 523
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 37/523
  3. Dissertation: On the knowledge of pyrrolidine .