Narrow-tailed lantern shark

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Narrow-tailed lantern shark
Narrow-tailed lantern shark (Etmopterus molleri), preparation in the Oceanarium in Vladivostok

Narrow-tailed lantern shark ( Etmopterus molleri ), preparation in the Oceanarium in Vladivostok

without rank: Sharks (selachii)
Superordinate : Squalomorphii
Order : Spiny dogfish (Squaliformes)
Family : Lantern Sharks (Etmopteridae)
Genre : Etmopterus
Type : Narrow-tailed lantern shark
Scientific name
Etmopterus molleri
( Whitley , 1939)

The narrow- tailed lantern shark ( Etmopterus molleri ) is a species of the genus Etmopterus within the lantern shark (Etmopterinae; also classified as the family Etmopteridae). It reaches a maximum body length of about 42 centimeters. This species occurs in coastal areas in the western Pacific and has been found on the coasts of Australia and Japan .

Appearance and characteristics

The narrow-tailed lantern shark is a small shark with a maximum body length of around 46 centimeters. It has an elongated body typical of the lantern sharks. The head is long and flattened on the top. The body color is light brown on top and darker brown on the flanks with black luminous organs; the underside is black. On the head and sides of the body, as well as on the tail stalk and base of the tail, there are rows of closely spaced tooth scales; however, the area above the pelvic fins is free of flakes. It also has the light organs typical of the lantern sharks on the belly side.

It has two dorsal fins with the orderly spines in front of it, but no anal fin . The first dorsal fin begins behind the pectoral fins over their rear edge and is significantly smaller than the large second dorsal fin. The tail is long, compared to the similar black-bellied lantern shark ( Etmopterus lucifer ) and short-tailed lantern shark ( Etmopterus brachyurus ), the tail stem is significantly longer and the second dorsal fin is almost bare. Like all species in the family, the animals have five gill slits , which are very long in this species, and have an injection hole behind the eye.


Distribution area of ​​the narrow-tailed lantern shark

The range of this species includes the coastal areas of the western Pacific , where it occurs off the coasts of Japan and Taiwan and on the coasts of Australia and New Zealand . Uncertain evidence comes from the western Indian Ocean off the coast of Mozambique . It usually lives near the ground and occurs at depths of around 240 to 655 meters.

Way of life

The narrow-tailed lantern shark lives in the deep sea area of ​​the continental and island shelf as well as in the area of ​​submarine mountains pelagically or near the ground . Like other sharks, it feeds predatory, probably mostly on smaller fish, octopus and other invertebrates. Beyond that, no data are available about his lifestyle.

Like other species of the order, it is probably viviparous ( ovoviviparous ).


The narrow-tailed lantern shark is a separate species within the lantern shark . It was scientifically described by Gilbert Percy Whitley in 1939 .


The narrow-tailed lantern shark is not classified in a hazard category in the IUCN Red List and is listed as “data deficient” due to the data situation. In Australian waters the species is only known from specimens of the type collected off Sydney. The evidence from Taiwan and Japan likely represent a different species; therefore the range is likely to be much smaller than originally assumed. There is no data on the impact of fishing on stocks; however, the shark is found in areas where deep-sea trawling is practiced and where it is likely to be caught as bycatch.

supporting documents

  1. a b Etmopteridae .: Lantern sharks. In: Compagno et al. 2004
  2. a b c d e f g Leonard Compagno , Marc Dando, Sarah Fowler: Sharks of the World. Princeton Field Guides, Princeton University Press , Princeton and Oxford 2005; P. 102. ISBN 978-0-691-12072-0
  3. a b c Etmopterus molleri in the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN 2018. Posted by: B. Finucci, DA Ebert, A. Schaaf-Da Silva, 2009. Retrieved on May 14, 2020.
  4. a b Narrow-tailed Lantern Shark on (English)


Web links

Commons : Etmopterus molleri  - collection of images, videos and audio files