Swabian Heimatbund

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The Swabian Heimatbund (SHB), based in Stuttgart, is one of the largest German Heimatverein associations that exist in every federal state and in every large region and are united in the umbrella organization Bund Heimat und Umwelt in Germany .


The Swabian Homeland Federation was founded on March 12, 1909 in Stuttgart as the Württemberg Federation for Homeland Security . The statutes stated that the association's goal was to protect the Swabian homeland in its natural and historical uniqueness. From 1910 they called themselves the Bund für Heimatschutz in Württemberg and Hohenzollern . After the Second World War, the association's work was resumed on February 5, 1949 under the current name of the Schwäbischer Heimatbund . "Swabian" in this context means "Württemberg" including the northern Franconian parts of the country.

In addition to a main office, numerous local, city and regional groups are part of the organizational units for around 6,000 members.


Since its inception, monument protection , regional studies , history and art history have been the central tasks of the association. After 1949, nature conservation also gained in importance. One of the main tasks of the non-profit association is to preserve the culture and nature of Württemberg, to experience and understand its history and to accompany the development of the homeland sensibly and respectfully.

The Swabian Heimatbund stands for a modern concept of home, which regards belonging to a region or landscape as the basis for a high degree of personal and collective identification, which is necessary to recognize the value of natural, historical and cultural resources and for one to use a livable future. For this reason, the Swabian Heimatbund also endeavors to exert an influence on questions of nature and monument protection on various social and political levels.

“State, state and municipalities cannot solve all problems on their own. You need fellow thinkers, fellow campaigners and also critics. The SHB wants to continue to be a lawyer for this country in the future and will continue to interfere and get involved wherever it deems it necessary due to its statutes. "

Events, publications and prizes

Since the 1970s, the SHB has made a name for itself in various ways beyond the region. This includes his magazine Schwäbische Heimat , in which articles by experts on the topics of monument protection, nature conservation and regional studies appear four times a year. The SHB also organizes specialist conferences on these topics several times a year.

The Swabian Heimatbund fulfills its task in monument and nature conservation in various ways. The Baden-Württemberg Monument Protection Prize, which has been awarded annually since 1979 (since 2007 every two years) together with the Baden-Württemberg State Association , honors and promotes private monument preservation services. With the help of the small monuments campaign , countless small monuments are recorded and documented all over the country . The cultural landscape award, which has also been awarded annually since 1995, honors and promotes private services for the preservation and care of the cultural landscape. In addition, the SHB organizes guided tours with an extensive travel program and a regular series of lectures on topics related to local history.

On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary, the Swabian Heimatbund donated the Gustav Schwab Prize , which honors work on the history, literature and regional studies of the Swabian region.

The SHB was also co-editor of the Swabian home calendar .


  • Martin Blümcke : The Swabian Heimatbund: work for the cultural landscape. In: Series of publications by the German Council for Land Care 77 (2005), pp. 89–92 ( online as PDF ).
  • Martin Blümcke / Wilfried Setzler (Eds.): "To protect the Swabian homeland in its peculiarity ...": the history of the Swabian Heimatbund from its foundation in 1909 until today , Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2014 (Tübingen building blocks for regional history, volume 24), ISBN 978-3-7995-5524-1 .
  • The Swabian Heimatbund. In: this country . The regional magazine of Rhein, Neckar & Main. Number 42, 2009, p. 13.
  • Benigna Schönhagen : "... a loyal and conscientious servant and helper ...". The Swabian Heimatbund in the Nazi era. In: Schwäbische Heimat , Heft 2, 2009; Online: www.schwaebischer-heimatbund.de , accessed on August 20, 2020.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Swabian Homeland Federation. In: in this country. The regional magazine of Rhein, Neckar & Main. Number 42, 2009, p. 13
  2. Quotation in The Swabian Homeland Federation. In: in this country. The regional magazine of Rhein, Neckar & Main. Number 42, 2009, p. 13