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Welding dogs ( hunter's language : to weld = bleed ) are hunting dogs that specialize in looking for and catching injured cloven-hoofed game as part of the search .


The historical name for bloodhounds is bracke . It was common until the 18th century, sometimes until the middle of the 19th century. Today only a certain type of hunting dog is referred to as a hound in the narrower sense .


The FCI lists these dogs in group 6, section 2 . Breeds that are regularly recognized by the hunting associations for searching are now the Hanoverian Welding Dog (HSH), the Bavarian Mountain Welding Dog ( BGS) and the Alpine Dachsbracke (ADB). The breeding of the Hanoverian welding dogs can be traced back to the 15th century. The Plott Hound is not recognized by the FCI, but is recognized in the USA .


A bloodhound is characterized by an unusually good sense of smell , calm, steadfastness and the will to find or to track . A trained bloodhound, for example, is able to find and catch game several kilometers away the day after the injury in rainy weather after hours of searching. To be able to work with little or no tracks present welding, must be a bloodhound not just a cold track work, but is also the driving shoe incorporated for heavy tasks.

Bloodhounds and their dog handlers are specialists who are required for difficult or likely long searches. Since the performance of the bloodhound can only be maintained through practice and frequent search, good dogs are rare and expensive. Most hunting tenants are often unable to provide the necessary and high personal commitment for the training and management of bloodhounds. The holders of welding dogs are therefore at the regional hunting associations, local hunters associations and the lower hunting authorities registered in order, if necessary, to the help of a team of horses Nachsuche at a nearby welding dog station can be sought.


In addition to the mentioned breeds of bloodhound, other dogs are also trained on the sweat trail in hunting practice and used in the search.

The subject search is part of the compulsory fitness test (BP), formerly JEP (hunting suitability test) of all hunting dog breeds, albeit not to the same extent as in the association tests of the welding dogs.

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Räber : Encyclopedia of the pedigree dogs. Origin, history, breeding goals, suitability and use. Volume 2, Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-440-06752-1 , pp. 452-453.


  • Walter Frevert , Karl Bergien, Wolfgang Bruchmüller: The management of the bloodhound. Training and use of the hunting dog on the wound track using the example of the Hanoverian welding dog . 7th, updated edition (updated new edition). Kosmos, Stuttgart 2000, 143 pp., ISBN 3-440-08253-9
  • KGBS Der Bayrische Gebirgsschweißhund, Brigitte Wütscher ea, Verlag J. Neudamm-Neudamm AG, Melsungen 2006 ISBN 3-7888-1029-7
  • Hans-Joachim Borngräber: "The welding work and familiarization with the tracking shoe"; Kosmos Verlag Stuttgart; ISBN 978-3-440-09914-8
  • Ilse Haseder , Gerhard Stinglwagner : Knaur's large hunting dictionary . Augsburg 2000, ISBN 3-8289-1579-5

Web links

Commons : Bloodhounds  - Collection of images, videos and audio files