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Stream shrinkage of indulgence

Stream shrinkage of indulgence

location North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
River system Rhine
source South of Brilon-Thülen
Source height approx.  457  m above sea level NN
muzzle In Thülen in a Ponor coordinates: 51 ° 24 ′ 48 "  N , 8 ° 37 ′ 39"  E 51 ° 24 ′ 48 "  N , 8 ° 37 ′ 39"  E
Mouth height 434  m above sea level NN
Height difference approx. 23 m
Bottom slope approx. 30 ‰
length 764 m
Example of a swallow hole

The Schwelge is an approximately 770 m long stream in the Thülen part of the city of Brilon ( Hochsauerlandkreis , North Rhine-Westphalia ), which ends in a Ponor (Westphalian Schwalgloch) in the Brilon mass limestone .

The stream rises north of Bruchhausenstrasse at the southern end of Thülen, in a wet meadow rich in sedge and rushes in the Königswiese nature reserve , near the eastern edge of the nature reserve, west of the "Am Spansfeld" corridor at 443  m above sea level. NN (a ditch extending further to the east at 447  m above sea level to 449  m above sea level ). The brook then meanders through meadows in the northern part or on the northern edge of the Königswiese in a westerly direction. In these, the water takes a different course, further south, on Bruchhausenstrasse, in the southern tip of the Königswiese nature reserve at about 457  m above sea level. NN rises, mostly in ditches flowing spring spring. The stream then flows in a west-north-westerly direction until it finally rises to around the south-east border of the Thülen region, in its valley between the Feldberg ( 471.2  m above sea level ) to the north-north-east and the Schaaken elevation to the south-west ( 497.2  m ) 434  m above sea level NN flows into a swallow hole and disappears into it. The water of the indulgence probably rises again in the springs of the Alme . The entire stream and the Schwalgloch are located within the Königswiese nature reserve. Both springs are located in the far west of the Madfelder Schieferboden natural area and leave this approximately at their confluence in the natural area of Briloner Kalkplatten ("Briloner Kalkplateau"; corresponds to the Briloner plateau ); both belong to the Brilon region .

There are streams shrinking in several places on the Brilon plateau .


  • Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower landscape authority: Landscape plan Hoppecketal , Meschede 2001, p. 51.

Individual evidence

  1. a b German basic map 1: 5000
  2. Measurement based on the German basic map 1: 5000