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Waters Indian Ocean
Archipelago Bajuni Islands
Geographical location 0 ° 23 ′  S , 42 ° 33 ′  E Coordinates: 0 ° 23 ′  S , 42 ° 33 ′  E
Seerbeenti (Somalia)

Seerbeenti (also: Chisimaio Island , Isola Chisimaio , Isola dei Serpenti , Kisimayu Island , Serpenti Island ) is an island in Somalia that is artificially connected to the mainland . It belongs politically to Jubaland and geographically to the Bajuni Islands , a chain of coral islands ( barrier islands ), which extends from Kismaayo over 100 kilometers to the Raas Kaambooni near the Kenyan border.


The island is connected to Cape Bissell by Kismaayo by a dam and developed as a Kismayu Seaport at Punta Tartaruga to the south , with the observation spot Kisimayu Island . It is the northernmost of the Bajuni Islands. In the south, includes Fafaatu and at some distance Bishikaani on. In the Bay of Kismayo there are numerous other tiny islands and several reefs and rocks, including Blaankeed Noo , Meedso and Fered . The island is inhabited and built on.


The climate is tropical hot monsoon climate .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Oscar Gakuo Mwangi: Jubaland: Somalia's new security dilemma and state-building efforts. In: Africa Review 8.2 (2016): pp. 120–132.
  2. Seerbeenti at GeoNames , Retrieved August 8, 2020