Heilbronn section of the German Alpine Club

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Heilbronn section of the German Alpine Club (DAV) e. V.
(DAV Heilbronn)
Logo of the German Alpine Club
Chair: Bernd Buehrer
Establishment date: December 15, 1891
Number of members: 15,314 (as of December 31, 2019)
Seat : Heilbronn , Baden-Wuerttemberg
Website: DAV-Heilbronn.de

The Heilbronn section of the German Alpine Club (DAV) e. V. ( DAV Heilbronn for short ) is a section of the German Alpine Club in Heilbronn . It was founded on December 15, 1891. The DAV Heilbronn is one of the older and with 15,314 members (as of December 31, 2019) one of the largest sections of the German Alpine Club in 14th place and thus also one of the largest sports clubs in Germany . Members of the Swabian section founded the Heilbronn section.


Sign at the beginning of the Heilbronner Weg, inaugurated in 1899
Heilbronner Weg: The ladder bridge built by Adolf Klett in Heilbronn in 1985 on the summit of the Steinschartenkopf
Ruins of the old Heilbronner Hütte at Tascheljöchel, which burned down in 1933
New Heilbronner hut in Verwall
The clubhouse and the branch office were located in the Schwabenhaus in Heilbronn from 1986 to 2008

The section was founded by the main customs administrator Friedrich Molfenter († 1926) and reported to the Association's Central Committee by letter dated December 11, 1891. The founding meeting took place on December 15, 1891, when the section had 63 members. By the first general assembly on January 18, 1893, the number of members increased to 125.

In a letter dated May 19, 1893, the Central Committee urged the section to take care of alpine path and hut construction. From 1894 to 1899 the Heilbronner Weg was laid out. From 1900 onwards, planning began for the old Heilbronner Hütte at Tascheljöchel, which was inaugurated in 1910. As a result of the First World War, the hut fell to Italy in 1919, so that the section began planning a new Heilbronn hut at Verbellner Winterjöchl in 1926 . The section now had over 700 members. The inauguration of the hut on July 1, 1928 was certainly one of the highlights of the interwar period. While the hut recorded increasing numbers of overnight stays in the first years of its existence, the number of members of the section initially fell as a result of the global economic crisis, but then continued to grow in the course of the 1930s. In 1934 the section received its first clubhouse with the guild room in the garden hall building of the Harmonie . After the beginning of the Nazi era, the border closings and later the effects of the war led to massive obstacles to the operation of Heilbronner Weg and Heilbronner Hütte. The path was closed from 1937, the hut was confiscated by the army administration in 1943. The other activities of the section also came to a standstill during the Total War . During the air raid on Heilbronn on December 4, 1944, the clubhouse with the archive and the library were destroyed.

The section was re-established on June 26, 1946. In the same year, more than 600 members could be counted again. In the 1950s, district groups were founded in Öhringen and Schwäbisch Hall . In 1960 the association moved into a new clubhouse with the Ludwig-Link-Zimmer in Heilbronner Gymnasiumstraße 85. In 1961 and 1976 the Heilbronner Hütte was structurally expanded. Especially in the decade after the second expansion, the association experienced a large number of members. In 1972 a new district group followed in Schefflenz , and in 1977 one in Künzelsau .

The section's office had been in a Heilbronn bank for decades, and the section's treasurers were requisitioned from its staff. The members' annual stamps were sold from 1964 to 1973 via the Heilbronn fuel company Kress. A temporary office was then set up in the private home of the members of the Bauer family in Heilbronn-Böckingen. In 1988 the branch office and clubhouse moved to the specially converted Schwabenhaus of Heilbronner Rudergesellschaft Schwaben e. V.

The association set up a climbing arena at the Heilbronn power station in 2002 and moved into its office there in 2008.

Section Chair

A chronological overview of all presidents of the section since it was founded.

Term of office president
1891-1900 Friedrich Molfenter
1900-1933 Peter Bruckmann
1933-1945 Heinrich Valid
1946-1959 Otto Läpple
1959-1978 Oskar Mayer
1978-1998 Peter Käß
1998-2007 Manfred Blatt
2007-2011 Ingo Nicolai
since 2011 Bernd Buehrer

Honorary members

  • 1900: Friedrich Molfenter (also honorary chairman)
  • 1933: Peter Bruckmann (also honorary chairman)
  • 1935: Hugo Bauer
  • 1935: Albert Fuchs
  • 1935: Otto Haag
  • 1935: Wilhelm Hornberger
  • 1935: Otto Läpple
  • 1935: Carl Rembold
  • 1935: Fritz Ulmer
  • 1935: Gustav Wohlfahrt
  • 1948: Hermann Ueberschaar
  • 1966: Herbert Alber
  • 1966: Gerhard Fromm
  • 1966: Erich Gebel
  • 1966: Fritz Grimm
  • 1966: Oskar Mayer
  • 1966: Paul Meyle
  • 1966: Otto Molle
  • 1966: Rudolf Richter
  • 1982: Willi Pfeffer



DAV general meetings in Heilbronn

  • DAV general assembly 1966 in Heilbronn (on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the section)
  • DAV general assembly 1991 in Heilbronn (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the section)
  • DAV Annual General Meeting 2011 in Heilbronn

Climbing facilities

  • Climbing arena: facility with more than 2000 m² climbing area at the Heilbronn power plant, set up in 2002. Since 2018, the facility has been expanded to include a bouldering hall and a climbing tower to create the new alpine center .
  • Heilbronn-Böckingen climbing tower: built in 1992 as the world's first climbing tower made of shotcrete
  • Climbing tower Öhringen: Created for the state garden show in Öhringen 2016
  • funclimb Eppingen: climbing facility in the sports park in Eppingen


  • Heilbronn Section of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 years of Heilbronn Section in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991 ( PDF, 13 MB )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 16.
  2. a b Section Heilbronn , German Alpine Association, alpenverein.de ; Section website
  3. DAV-Bibliothek.de: Section publications, Schwaben section (PDF file), page 5.
  4. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 52.
  5. a b c Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 21.
  6. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, pp. 16-17.
  7. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 17.
  8. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 17.
  9. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, pp. 18-19.
  10. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 20.
  11. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, pp. 22-24.
  12. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 24.
  13. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 25.
  14. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 38.
  15. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, pp. 27-29.
  16. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 38.
  17. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 29.
  18. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 68.
  19. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 70.
  20. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 38.
  21. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Association (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Association , Heilbronn 1991, pp. 33–34.
  22. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 32 (diagram).
  23. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 69.
  24. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 67.
  25. a b c Heilbronn Section of the German Alpine Club (ed.): 100 Years Heilbronn Section in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 44.
  26. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, pp. 39–44.
  27. ^ Archivsuche.Heilbronn.de: Kletterarena GmbH & Co KG of the German Alpine Club (DAV); Indoor climbing facility
  28. a b Archivsuche.Heilbronn.de: German Alpine Association (DAV), Heilbronn section
  29. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 10.
  30. DAV-Heilbronn.de: Chronicle of our winter house
  31. ^ Section Heilbronn of the German Alpine Club (Ed.): 100 Years Section Heilbronn in the German Alpine Club , Heilbronn 1991, p. 34.
  32. DAV-Heilbronn.de: Climbing Arena
  33. DAV-Heilbronn.de: January 2018: Groundbreaking ceremony to start construction
  34. DAV-Heilbronn.de: climbing tower Heilbronn-Böckingen
  35. ^ Oehringen.de: Öhringen climbing tower
  36. DAV-Heilbronn.de: climbing tower Öhringen
  37. DAV-Heilbronn.de: funclimb Eppingen