Seleucus (son of Bithys)

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Seleukos ( Greek  Σέλευκος ; † around 130 BC), son of Bithys, was a governor in Cyprus and naval commander of the Hellenistic Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt .

Seleukos held the citizenship of the cities of Alexandria and Rhodes , although in the latter case it was probably an honorary citizen. In the year 157/156 BC He was from Delphi for his diplomatic mediation in favor of the city with King Ptolemy VI. honored. Probably immediately after the new king Ptolemy VIII came to power in 145 BC. Seleucus was installed by him in the office of governor (strategos) of Cyprus , with whom the high priesthood of the island was connected ex officio . The priests of Aphrodite of Paphos consecrated a statue in his honor , a second was probably donated to him by the officers of the Cilician regiment of the Ptolemaic island garrison. No later than 141/140 BC. Seleucus also held the rank of commander-in-chief ( nauarchos ) of the Ptolemaic fleet, as which he is mentioned in at least three inscriptions. He held the office of governor and officer until about 130 BC. BC, whereupon he must have died in old age. His successor in office was Krokos .

Seleucus was married to Artemo I, daughter of Theodoros, who died in 177/176 BC. Is attested in the priestly office of the "basket-bearer" (kanephoros) of the "sibling goddess " / Arsinoë II in Alexandria. They had a son and two daughters:

  • Theodoros , who later also served as governor of Cyprus.
  • Olympias I, 107/106 BC Chr. Priestess of the "father-loving goddess" / Arsinoë III.
  • Artemo II., 141-115 BC Chr. Priestess of the "father-loving goddess" / Arsinoë III. and 142-131 BC. Chr. Priestess of the "benefactor goddess" / Cleopatra III.

The Seleucus family:

Artemo I.
Olympias I.
Artemo II.
Olympias II
Artemo III.


  • Wilhelm Dittenberger : Orientis Graeci inscriptiones selectae. (OGIS) Vol. 1, 1903, No. 150-161, pp. 229-237.
  • SRK Glanville and TC Skeat: Eponymous Priesthoods of Alexandria from 211 BC In: The Journal of Egyptian Archeology. Vol. 40, 1954, pp. 45-58.
  • TB Mitford: Seleucus and Theodorus. In: Opuscula Atheniensia. Vol. 1, 1953, pp. 130-171.
  • TB Mitford: The Hellenistic Inscriptions of Old Paphos. In: The Annual of the British School at Athens- Vol. 56 (1961), pp. 1-41.
  • Roger S. Bagnall: The Administration of the Ptolemaic possessions outside Egypt. In: Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition. Vol. 4, 1976, pp. 258-259.
  • Willy Clarysse, E. van't Dack: Prosopographia Ptolemaica III: Le clergé, le notariat, les tribunaux, no. 4984-8040 (PP III), In: Studia Hellensitica. Vol. 11 (1956).
  • Willy Clarysse: Prosopographia Ptolemaica. Vol. IX: Addenda et Corrigenda au volume III. (PP III / IX) In: Studia Hellenistica. Vol. 25, 1981.
  • Ludwig Koenen : Cleopatra III. as priestess of the Alexander cult (P. Colon. inv. nr. 5063). In: Journal of Papyrology and Epigraphy . Vol. 5, 1970, pp. 61-84.
  • Felix Staehelin : Seleukos 13). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume II A, 1, Stuttgart 1921, column 1247.


  1. ^ Fouilles de Delphes III, 4, 161 = OGIS 150.
  2. See Mitford (1961), p. 27, nos. 70 and 71 . The dedicatory inscriptions of the statues have been preserved and are in the Epigraphic Museum of Athens (KM 19, 43, and 60).
  3. Inscriptions from Olympia 301 = OGIS 151. I. Courion 45 = OGIS 152. Jean Pouilloux , Paul Roesch, Jean Marcillet-Jaubert: Salamine de Chypre XIII. Testimonia Salaminia, 2. Corpus epigraphique. Paris 1987, No. 76 = OGIS 153.
  4. British Museum EA 10518. PP III / IX 5038.
  5. ^ Jean Pouilloux, Paul Roesch, Jean Marcillet-Jaubert: Salamine de Chypre XIII. Testimonia Salaminia, 2. Corpus epigraphique. Paris 1987, No. 89 = OGIS 154. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 13, 589 = OGIS 155. Mitford (1961), No. 78 = OGIS 156 and 158. Mitford (1961), p. 31, No. 83 = OGIS 157. Jean Pouilloux, Paul Roesch, Jean Marcillet-Jaubert: Salamine de Chypre XIII. Testimonia Salaminia, 2. Corpus epigraphique. Paris 1987, No. 79 = OGIS 161.
  6. PP III 5220.
  7. See Glanville and Skeat, pp. 54–56; Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 13, 587 = OGIS 159; Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 13, 557 = OGIS 160; PP III / IX 5039.