Senior partner in school

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Senior partner in School eV
Legal form: registered association
Headquarters of the federal association: Berlin
Founding: 2001
Board of the Federal Association: Wolfgang Engel (1st chairman)

Henner Schmidt-Traub (Deputy)


Seniorpartner in School ( SiS ) is a non-profit association founded in 2001 that has set itself the task of educating children and young people in non-violent interaction with one another through mediation . This is made possible by the voluntary commitment of the "Generation 55Plus". The volunteer senior partners are in the so-called third phase of life and are organized at regional level in state associations and bases. The federal association with an office in Berlin serves as the umbrella organization of the 14 regional associations

Organization and goals

Around 1,300 so-called senior partners are currently active as school mediators at 350 schools across Germany. The federal association is a member of the BAGSO, the BBE and is a founding member of the federal association of innovative educational programs .

The aim of the association is to promote cross-generational peaceful coexistence. The members of SiS are people in or about to retire. After a free training, they will be placed in schools for mediation in conflicts. In addition, the association offers students support through individual discussions and educational support. The central idea behind this work is an intergenerational exchange in problematic situations, through which violence prevention is promoted on the part of the students and lifelong learning on the part of the so-called senior partners.

The founder Christiane Richter received the Federal Cross of Merit in 2006 for her idea behind Seniorpartner in School and its implementation . The project received several awards and grants nationwide, including from Phineo (2011 and 2018), Startsocial (2012), Germany rounds (2014–2017 and 2019–2021).

History and locations

The association was founded in 2001 by Christiane Richter - initially only in Berlin. From 2006 to 2008, the association received federal funding as part of the Voluntary Service for All Generations project , and the state associations of Baden-Württemberg , Brandenburg , Hesse , Lower Saxony , North Rhine-Westphalia , Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein were founded. In 2009 there was start-up funding over three years from Generali-Zukunftsfonds and the foundation of the federal association in Berlin by the seven founding associations.

Another seven regional associations were founded between 2009 and 2016 and the number of members rose to 1250. In 2017, the regional association of Saxony-Anhalt decided to dissolve it. In 2018, the federal association decided to support the office with full-time work and moved to the premises of the Berlin regional association.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bayerischer Rundfunk Geli Schmaus: Pensioners as mediators: "Senior partner in school". February 28, 2019, accessed February 21, 2020 .
  2. Our members. In: Federal Association of Innovative Educational Programs. Retrieved February 14, 2020 (American English).
  3. Eva Dignös: Double profit. In: SZ 16.06.2016. Südeutsche Zeitung, June 16, 2016, accessed on June 16, 2016 (German).
  4. ^ Nicole Maibaum: Seniors as mediators in schools. In: The time. Zeitverlag, accessed on November 6, 2014 (German).
  5. "Senior Partner in School" founder resigns from office. Retrieved February 14, 2020 .
  6. Welance com-a Freelancers Collective: "GERMANY ROUNDS UP" - and we join in! Retrieved on February 14, 2020 (German).
  7. ↑ Large donation of 300,000 euros to senior partners operating nationwide. Retrieved February 14, 2020 .
  8. Special mediators: In Braunschweig seniors go to schools as mediators. Retrieved February 21, 2020 .
  9. SiS BV - your national association. Retrieved February 14, 2020 .