Serge Good

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Serge Gut (2010)

Serge Gut (born June 25, 1927 in Basel ; † March 31, 2014 in Suresnes ) was a French musicologist , composer and pianist of Swiss descent.


Serge Gut studied at the Paris Conservatory with Simone Plé-Caussade , Tony Aubin and Olivier Messiaen and at the University of Paris-Sorbonne with Solange Corbin and Jacques Chailley . He was a composer and an active member of the French Societies for Music Analysis (SFAM) and for Musicology (SFM). As a professor at the University of Paris-Sorbonne , he was director of the Institute for Music and Musicology at this university from 1983 to 1990. He is considered the author of a standard work on Franz Liszt and a specialist in German and French music of the 19th and early 20th centuries, the theory of musical language and its development.


Selected works are his Franz Liszt (Fallois, l'Âge d'homme, 1989, extended German translation Studiopunkt, Sinzig 2009), his Franz Liszt: les éléments du langage musical (Klinsksieck, 1975, revised and expanded new edition 2008 at Editions Aug. Zurfluh), his correspondence Liszt-d'Agoult (Fayard, 1993), his Aspects du Lied romantique allemand (Actes-Sud, 1994) or his collection of articles Musicologie au fil des siècles (PUPS, 1998). In May 2014 his volume Tristan et Isolde was published posthumously by Fayard in Paris. His musical legacy is The Basic Principles of Occidental Music , published in January 2018 by Beauchesne in Paris.

Individual evidence

  1. (fr) Musicologist Serge Gut passed away , ResMusica, April 2, 2014
  2. (fr) On Serge Gut's 80th birthday
  5. (fr) Hommage au musicologue Serge Gut , Revue musicale de Suisse romande , N ° 54/4, décembre 2001
  6. (fr) Les principes fondamentaux de la musique occidentale

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