Sergei Ivanovich Moschtschenko

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Sergei Moschtschenko
Sergei Moschtschenko
Country: Russia
Organization: Roscosmos
selected on 1997
Calls: 0 space flights
retired on June 2009

Sergei Ivanovich Moschtschenko ( Russian Сергей Иванович Мощенко ; born January 12, 1954 in Krjokschino , Moscow Oblast , Soviet Union ) is a former Russian cosmonaut who did not complete a space flight.


After graduating from school in 1971, Moschtschenko wanted to start pilot training at the flight school in Kharkiv , but failed due to a health examination . An alternative training as a navigator was out of the question for him. From January 1972 to March 1973 he worked as a mechanic, but at the same time did evening studies at the Moscow State Aviation Institute . From May 1973 to May 1975 he did his military service as a paratrooper in the Soviet Army and then returned to work and evening studies. From September 1976 he was a full-time student and worked, among other things, on the development of deep-sea cameras.

Activity as an engineer

With a diploma as a mechanical engineer, Moschtschenko went to the Soviet space company KB Salyut (from 1988 GKNPZ Khrunichev ) in August 1980 , where he was involved in the construction and flight preparation of the space stations Salyut 7 and Mir . He holds several patents for inventions.

Activity as a cosmonaut

As early as the late 1980s there were efforts at Khrunichev to train engineers to become cosmonauts, as was the case with the design offices NPO Energija (formerly OKB-1) and NPO Maschinostrojenija (formerly OKB-52). Moschtschenko was selected as a candidate for the GKNPZ, but was not admitted to cosmonaut training. Nevertheless, he was medically examined annually.

Finally, in 1997, Moschtschenko was admitted to the training course. Although he was a civilian, he was assigned to the Air Force Pilot Training Group. Basic training took place from January 1998 to November 1999 at the Juri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center . From February 2000, Moschtschenko was in training for a long-term stay aboard the International Space Station , temporarily at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston . Moschtschenko was nominated as a flight engineer for ISS Expedition 7 . Together with the two other members, Yuri Malentschenko and Edward Tsang Lu , he was to fly to the ISS on the space shuttle in 2003 . In December 2002, however, Moschtschenko was replaced by Alexander Kaleri without giving a reason .

Within GKNPZ Khrunichev, Moschtschenko was supposed to lead some engineers for cosmonaut training, but none of the applicants passed the health exam for the cosmonaut group of 2003. Moschtschenko remained the only cosmonaut at GKNPZ Khrunichev.

In June 2009, Moshchenko left the cosmonaut corps.

Web links

Commons : Sergey Moshchenko  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. NASA Names 23 Astronauts and Cosmonauts to Shuttle Flights in 2002. NASA, August 17, 2001, accessed on April 21, 2009 (English).
  2. Expedition Five crew members Backup Named To Expedition Seven. NASA, December 3, 2002, accessed April 21, 2009 .
  3. Группа космонавтов ГКНПЦ им. Хруничева., January 18, 2008, accessed April 22, 2009 (Russian).